Crisis Public Diplomacy in China

来源 :China and the World | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sda_xiangwei
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Leon Trotsky,founder of the Soviet Red Army,once lamented "You may not be interested in war,but war is interested in you".1 His words are highly relevant to crisis public diplomacy today.Although not enough attention is paid to it,crisis public diplomacy is destined to become vital and complementary to other diplomacies in an era of frequent crisis.It plays a prominent role in domestic diplomatic strategies and appears to be very conspicuous in international affairs.This was clearly indicated in the report made by former General Secretary Hu Jintao at the 18th Congress of the CPC (Communist Party of China),as follows:"At present,as the global,national and our Party's conditions continue to undergo profound changes,we are faced with unprecedented opportunities for development as well as risks and challenges unknown before."2
1     2006年10月,因为鲍家乐车祸入院,我不得不提前终止了在美国的学习,待我打点好美国的一切赶回青岛,距他出事入院,已过半月,我从机场直扑医院,鲍家乐的哥哥正在为他办出院手续。  鲍家乐的哥哥曾在电话里知会我,鲍家乐外伤不是很严重,断了肩胛骨和手臂骨,但是,他仿佛颅内受了重创,有点失忆症状。  可是,当我站在鲍家乐面前,才知道,不是有点失忆现象而已,而是完全失忆,不再记得我是他结发8年的
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湄莫一个人坐在米黄色的沙发上,百无聊赖地翻阅起几本花边杂志,瑛瑛那边打来电话,问她愿不愿一起去武林广场新开的Ellen酒吧。晚上九点半,两个情趣相投的女人便在Ellen吧里狂欢,一直到第二天凌晨3点钟,摆脱掉那些大大小小男人的死缠烂打,她们返回碧御华城的18层公寓。    [ 1 ]    “好舒服的大圆床!”瑛瑛是一个精力过剩的女人,情绪刚刚被Ellen吧里那些灼热的眼神撩拨起来,脸上是掩不住的