A high quality factor photonic crystal channel-drop filter with a linear gradient microcavity

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We design a channel-drop filter (CDF) with a linear gradient microcavity in a two-dimensional (2D) photonic crystal (PC). The model of three-port CDF with reflector is used to achieve high quality factor (Q-factor) and 100% channel-drop efficiency. The research indicates that adjusting the distance between reference plane and reflector can simultaneously influence the Q-factor due to coupling to a bus waveguide and the phase retardation occurring in the round trip between a microcavity and a reflector. The calculation results of 2D finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method show that the designed filter can achieve the drop efficiency of 96.7% and ultra-high Q-factor with an ultra-small modal volume.
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为了改善熔覆层几何形貌特征,研究了激光熔覆后残余应力的分布规律。以稀释率与宽高比为评价指标,基于响应曲面法开展了4因素(激光功率、扫描速度、送粉量、离焦量)、5水平中心复合设计矩阵试验。在单因素和多因素交互作用下,研究了熔覆参数对各响应值的影响规律。研究结果表明:扫描速度和离焦量对宽高比的影响最显著,离焦量和激光功率对稀释率的影响最显著,且激光功率和扫描速度的交互作用对稀释率存在影响。最后试验验证了预测模型的准确性。选取优化后的熔覆层形貌和工艺参数进行数值模拟,发现x方向的最大残余拉应力为532 MPa且
过去几年中,准分子激光研究只在高等学校的研究室中进行,目前正是由这一科学领域发展成新的工业。从发展图表可看出,在极短时间内商业准分子激光器的平均输出功率能从有限的初始功率提高到100 W。八十年代末可望提高到1 kW。与此同时,相应的应用领域也不断扩大。起初像其它激光器一样准分子激光器也占领了光谱学和物理化学的传统领域。随着它在激光同位素分离、紫外刻印和材料加工中有成效的应用,目前已被列入现代关键技术范围内。