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华南沿海地区丘陵较多,地势起伏,沿海养殖设施普遍为浅基础建设。在水产养殖技术方面,现有研究主要集中在养殖技术上,而有针对、有系统的研究结构性土体的研究方法还不多,在试验方面多采用人工制备结构性土体的研究方法,因此开展这方面的计算机模型分析和试验研究,对各种不同的处理方式进行效果分析,找出适合水产养殖设施改造的方式,可以为今后水产养殖设施如池塘改造等项目节省资金和施工时间。破损力学的核心思想是将结构性岩土材料抽象成由胶结强的结构体(弹脆性元)和无胶结的破碎体(弹塑性元)组成的二元介质,是一种建立在准连续介质概念基础上对岩土材料进行宏观分析的力学理论。采用数值模拟的方法进行模拟土体三轴试验,研究土中胶结强度对土体破坏模式、应力爬坡及剪切带的影响,以期为该问题的研究提供新的借鉴。 Hilly areas in southern China have more hilly terrain, coastal aquaculture facilities are generally shallow infrastructures. In aquaculture technology, the existing research mainly focuses on aquaculture technology. However, there are not many methods for studying structured soils in a systematic and systematic way. Many researches on the method of artificial preparation of structured soils are used in experiments, Therefore, the computer model analysis and experimental research in this area are carried out. The effects of different treatment methods are analyzed to find out the suitable methods for the aquaculture facilities reformation, which can save funds and construction time for the future aquaculture facilities such as pond reconstruction. The core idea of ​​damage mechanics is to abstract the structural geomaterials into a binary medium consisting of strong cemented structures (brittle brittle elements) and non-cemented crushed elements (elasto-plastic elements) The concept of mechanics based on macroscopic analysis of geomaterials. The numerical simulation method is used to simulate the triaxial test of soil so as to study the influence of the cementation strength of the soil on the failure mode, the stress climbing and the shear zone of the soil so as to provide a new reference for the study of this problem.
在一定条件下,用硫代硫酸钠与硫酸反应,通过观察溶液浑浊出现所需时间的长短来说明浓度、温度对化学反应速度的影响。改进后的实验装置如图1所示。图1 改进后的实验装置a.浓度对化
(2 0 0 3年 7月 2 7日 )一、填空题 (满分 40分 )1.若 (2x -1) 5=a5x5+a4x4+a3 x3 +a2 x2 +a1 x +a0 ,则a2 +a4=.2 .在△ABC中 ,M是AC边的中点 ,P为AM上一点 ,过P作PK∥AB交B