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以超级粳稻品种武粳15、淮稻9号、徐稻3号和常优1号为材料,对高产(8.25~9.75thm?2)、更高产(9.75~11.25thm?2)和超高产(>11.25thm?2)3个产量等级群体的物质生产与产量的关系、干物质积累、输出与转运等方面进行了系统的比较研究。结果表明,4个超级稻品种成熟期、抽穗至成熟期的干物质重与产量呈极显著正相关,抽穗期干物质重均与产量呈抛物线关系,拔节至抽穗期的干物质重与产量呈极显著正相关(高产—更高产、更高产—超高产以及将3个产量等级综合起来);从高产到更高产再到超高产,4个超级稻品种的生物学产量不断提高(差异显著),而超高产群体的经济系数则与更高产水平相当(0.5000以上),显著高于高产水平;较之更高产、高产群体,超高产群体在生育中期(拔节至抽穗期)干物质积累量大,抽穗期叶面积指数高、株型挺拔、群体质量优[有效叶面积率、高效叶面积率、总颖花量与颖花/叶(cm2)、基部节间粗、单茎茎鞘重均高],在生育后期(抽穗至成熟期),光合能力强(叶面积衰减率小,光合势、群体生长率、净同化率均高)、干物质积累量高(占生物学产量的40.0%以上)、茎鞘物质的输出与转运协调[实粒/叶(cm2)、粒重(mg)/叶(cm2)均高]。 High-yielding (8.25 ~ 9.75thm? 2), higher yield (9.75 ~ 11.25thm? 2) and ultra-high yielding > 11.25thm? 2) The relationship between the material production and the yield, the accumulation of dry matter, the export and the transshipment of the three yield groups were compared systematically. The results showed that there was a significant positive correlation between the dry matter weight at heading and maturity and the dry matter weight at the heading stage and the yield at the heading stage. The dry matter weight and yield at heading stage were Significantly positive correlation (high yield - higher yield, higher yield - super high yield and the combination of three yield levels); from high yield to higher yield to super high yield, the biological yield of four super rice varieties increased significantly (significant difference) , While the economic coefficient of the super-high-yielding group was equivalent to the higher-yielding level (0.5000 and above), significantly higher than the high-yielding level. Compared with the higher-yielding and high-yielding population, the super- , High leaf area index at heading stage, tall and straight plant type, good population quality [effective leaf area ratio, high leaf area ratio, total spikelet size and spikelet / leaf (cm2) High], high photosynthetic ability (low leaf area decay rate, photosynthetic potential, population growth rate and net assimilation rate), high dry matter accumulation (accounting for 40.0% of the biological yield) in the later growing stage (heading to maturity) Above), the output and transport of stem and sheath material Coordination [grain / leaf (cm2), grain weight (mg) / leaf (cm2) were high].
莱州湾凹陷断裂构造经历了多期伸展、走滑、反转等不同性质的演化经历,断裂样式错综复杂,并且对该地区的油气生成、运移和聚集起到了控制作用。   通过解释地震剖面及编制