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疯狂不是摇滚的代名词,古典不是温文典雅的代词,古典音乐并不只有沉闷与古老。 说它疯狂是因为它聚集了疯狂年代的诸多音乐家们为 国家、为命运、为爱情、为使命不惜以生命为代价换取了令 世人瞩目的不朽作品。 说它古典是因为它们处在那个古老的年代而留下的以 典之作.集古风、古韵为一体,突显示了各个不同时代、年代 的音乐风格。 翻阅历史、在那些疯狂的年代,音乐孕育了多少世纪精 英,为此,国际音乐交流有责任在本世纪末以记叙的方式来 回顾几个世纪以来的国际大师们的辉煌历史和经典之作。 Crazy is not synonymous with rock, classical is not a gentle and elegant pronoun, classical music is not only boring and ancient. It is crazy because it brings together many of the crazy musicians of the era for the country, for the destiny of love for the mission at the expense of life for the world’s attention immortal work. To say that it is classical because of the classic works left by them in that ancient age. Set ancient, ancient rhyme as a whole, highlighting the different times, the era of music style. It is the responsibility of international music exchanges to recapitulate the glorious history and classics of international masters over centuries by way of narration at the end of this century, as we read through history and how many centuries of elite music were born in those crazier times.
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