牡丹是原产我国的传统名花,有一千多年的栽培历史,素有“国色、天香、花中王”之美誉。牡丹花大色艳,雍容华贵,深受全国各族人民的喜爱。为了增加品种,延长花期,加快牡丹的繁殖和发展,从1992年开始,我们进行了牡丹扦插试验,连续三年扦插牡丹550株,成活481株,成活率达87.4% 。现将具体作法介绍如下:一、扦插时间根据牡丹“春开花,夏长叶,秋生根,冬休眠”的生物学特性,我们在八月十五(阴历)前后,进行牡丹扦插试验。此时雨水逐渐增多,气温日益降低,地温、土壤的湿度有利于根系的生长。因此,从立秋至寒露均可扦插牡丹,八月中下旬至九月底是牡丹扦插的最佳时节。二、扦插基质扦插牡丹同其他苗木扦插一样,可选
Peony is a native of China’s traditional flowers, with more than a thousand years of cultivation history, known as “national color, sweet fragrance, the king of flowers,” the reputation. Peony flower large color Yan, elegant, deeply loved by the people of all ethnic groups across the country. In order to increase the variety, extend the flowering period and speed up the reproduction and development of peony, we started the peony cuttage test from 1992, and we cut 550 peonies for 481 consecutive years and the survival rate reached 87.4%. The specific practices are as follows: First, cutting time According to the peony “spring flowering, summer leaf, autumn root, winter dormancy ” biological characteristics, we August 15 (lunar calendar), the Peony cutting test. At this point the rain gradually increased, the temperature is decreasing, ground temperature, soil moisture is conducive to the growth of the root system. Therefore, from the autumn to the cold dew can cut the peony, mid-August to the end of September is the best season for peony cutting. Second, cuttings Substrate cuttings with other seedlings cuttings, optional