走向大洋 建功深蓝——海军第十九批、第二十批护航编队风采录

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今年5月26日,《中国的军事战略》发布。这是中国政府自1998年以来发布的第9部国防白皮书,也是首部阐述军事战略的专题型国防白皮书。这部白皮书明确了军兵种的发展战略方向,海军战略转型为“近海防御,远海护卫”。白皮书多次提到海军问题和海外利益,并首次明确提出“海外利益攸关区”的概念,指出要加强海外利益攸关区国际安全合作,维护海外利益安全。白皮书表示,必须突破重陆轻海的传统思维,高度重视经略海洋、维护海权。建设与国家安全和发展利益相适应的现代海上军事力量体系,维护国家主权和海洋权益,维护战略通道和海外利益安全,参与海洋国际合作。众所周知,从2008年年底开始,中国海军派出护航编队,赴亚丁湾、索马里海域执行护航任务。6年多来,我海军已连续派出20批护航编队,圆满完成了800多批5900多艘中外船舶护航和利比亚撤侨护航、叙利亚化学武器海运护航、马尔代夫紧急供水、也门撤侨等重大紧急任务,成功解救、接护和救助60多艘中外船舶,持续保持着被护船舶和编队自身“两个百分之百安全”的纪录,并与世界各国海军务实交流、合作,有效遏制了海盗的猖狂活动,保证了国家海上重要战略通道安全,全方位锻炼和检验了海军远海军事行动的能力,充分展示了我国负责任大国的良好形象和人民海军过硬的军政素质,向祖国人民交出了一份合格的答卷。在中国人民解放军建军88周年“八一”纪念日到来之际,本刊“影像生活”刊登一组展示海军近期两批护航编队“走向大洋,建功深蓝”的照片,和一组反映今年5月中俄两国海军“亮剑地中海”举行联合海上军事演习的照片,以飨读者。 May 26 this year, “China’s military strategy” released. This is the 9th national defense white paper released by the Chinese government since 1998 and the first white paper on defense of the national defense that expounds military strategy. This white paper specifies the strategic direction for the development of the military and the armed forces and transforms the naval strategic strategy into “coastal defenses and long-range defenses.” The White Paper made many references to the issue of naval forces and overseas interests. For the first time, the White Paper explicitly proposed the concept of “overseas interests” and pointed out that it is necessary to strengthen international security cooperation in overseas interests and safeguard the interests of overseas countries. The white paper said it is necessary to break through the traditional thinking of Lu Luhai and attach great importance to the economy of the Middle East and the maintenance of sea power. We will build a modern maritime military force system that is compatible with the interests of national security and development, safeguard national sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, and maintain strategic access and security of interests abroad, and participate in maritime international cooperation. As we all know, from the end of 2008, the Chinese navy has deployed escort formations to escort the Gulf of Aden and Somalia. Over the past 6 years, the Navy has successively sent 20 battalion escort formations and successfully completed over 800 batches of more than 5900 Chinese and foreign ship escorts, Libyan escorts, Syrian chemical weapons escort, emergency water supply in the Maldives, evacuation of Yemen and other major emergency tasks Successfully rescuing, receiving, escorting and salvaging more than 60 Chinese and foreign ships and continuously maintained their records of “two 100% safe” vessels and formations themselves. They have also pragmatically exchanged and cooperated with navies of other countries in the world and effectively suppressed the rampant piracy. Activities to ensure the safety of the country’s major strategic passage at sea and to exercise and test all aspects of naval naval operations. It has fully demonstrated the good image of our country as a responsible large nation and the excellent military and political qualities of the people’s navy and handed over a copy of the report to the people of the motherland Qualified answer sheet. On the eve of the 88th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army and the commemoration day of August 1, we published a series of photos showing the recent escort fleet of the Navy, “Going to the Ocean and Building a Solid Dark Blue,” in the “Image Life” And a set of photos reflecting the joint naval exercises conducted by China and Russia in May this year between the two navies and the “Sword and the Mediterranean” to readers.
(A)Lesson from the Nature Today,too many trees are still being cut downin many countries and floods all over the worldare getting more and more serious.A lot of
钟室四周被黑布蒙上了,天纵英才韩信正被吊在室中。  他又睁开了眼睛。房间里因为一种安静而引人深思。疲倦使他要睡了,而愤怒却要将他燃烧。钟室里,钟声还是轧轧地走着遥远的路一在深夜,有一种诀别的意味。  夜是美丽绚烂的,尤其是在夏的长安。然而,他怕是再也看不到了。他也许不会想到,当午夜到来之时,当那些竹片插入他的躯体时,天上竟落下了无数艳丽的陨星——划出了整整一个天幕的血痕……  这一生,像是经历了一
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