Cu2+-catalyzed mechanism in oxygen-pressure acid leaching of artificial sphalerite

来源 :矿物冶金与材料学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong432
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The potential autoclave was used to study the catalytic mechanism of Cu2+ during the oxygen pressure leaching process of artificial sphalerite. By studying the potential change of the system at different temperatures and the SEM–EDS difference of the leaching residues, it was found that in the temperature range of 363–423 K, the intal Cu2+ formed a CuS deposit on the surface of sphalerite, which hindered the leaching reaction, resulting in a zinc leaching rate of only 51.04%. When the temperature exceeds 463 K, the system potential increases stead-ily. The increase in temperature leads to the dissolution of the CuS, which is beneficial to the circulation catalysis of Cu2+. At this time, the leaching rate of Zn exceeds 95%. In addition, the leaching kinetics equations at 363–423 and 423–483 K were established. The activation en-ergy of zinc leaching at 363–423 and 423–483 K is 38.66 and 36.25 kJ/mol, respectively, and the leaching process is controlled by surface chemical reactions.
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