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对1991年工业经济运行情况的初步分析1991年,是实施“八五”计划的第一年,也是实行三年治理整顿的最后一年。宏观经济政策的调控重点,由1989年的紧缩银根、控制需求、降低通货膨胀率,转到1990年适当放松银根、启动市场特别是松动社会集团购买、拉动经济回升,进而过渡到1991年以改善企业外部环境、搞活大中型国营企业为重点,调整产品结构、提高经济效益。从政策实施效果和经济运行的实际结果看,工业增长速度基本达到了预期控制目标。经济效益逐步改善。全国预算内工业企业实现利税,1991年增长9%以上,产成品库存也从8月份起逐趋下降。 A preliminary analysis of the operation of the industrial economy in 1991 was the first year of implementation of the “Eighth Five-Year Plan” and the final year of three-year rectification. The focus of macroeconomic policy was tightened by monetary tightening in 1989, controlling demand, reducing inflation rate, turning to appropriate monetary easing in 1990, starting the market, especially loosening social group purchases, stimulating economic recovery, and then transitioning to 1991 to improve. The external environment of the enterprise and invigoration of large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises will be the focus, and product structure and economic efficiency will be adjusted. Judging from the actual results of the implementation of policies and economic operations, the industrial growth rate has basically reached the expected control target. The economic benefits have gradually improved. The national industrial enterprises in the budget realized profits and taxes, which increased by more than 9 percent in 1991, and finished product inventories also declined gradually from August.
据德国化学和纤维制品厂家 AKZO 最近发表的一项年评:1991年世界的人造纤维总产量略为上升,达1930万吨,升幅超过1%。其中,合成纤维包括聚酰纤(酉安)维(尼龙)、丙烯酸纤维和
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山东菏泽仪表厂的主产品是z8系列电度表。对这种老产品,国家机械电子工业部要求于1992年上半年必须全部淘汰。全部淘汰老产品,上马新产品,并要形成规模 The main product o