走出误区 求实创新——创建等级医院初始阶段的思想误区及其对策

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创建等级医院是一项涉及到各个方面、各个层次的系统工程,任务艰巨,头绪繁多。就思想政治工作而言,当前,应着力帮助人们首先扫除思想认识上的误区。其主要表现:一是安于现状,看不到市场竞争下存在的“潜在危机”。二是畏难怕重。三是妄自菲薄,看不到自身的优势和有利条件。四是冷眼旁观,把自己当作局外人,认为创建等级医院 Creating a Hierarchical Hospital is a systematic project involving all aspects and at all levels. It is a daunting task and a multitude of tasks. As far as ideological and political work is concerned, at present, efforts should be made to help people to first clear up the misunderstandings in their ideological and political understanding. Its main manifestations are as follows: First, they are comfortable with the status quo and can not see the potential crisis under market competition. The second is afraid of heavy. Third, self-defeating, do not see their own advantages and favorable conditions. Fourth, sit on the sidelines, treating himself as an outsider, creating a hierarchy of hospitals
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