The average annual precipitation in Jinzhou is 540-630 mm. Spring precipitation only accounts for 11-14% of the annual rainfall, and some even as low as 8%. Over the same period of evaporation, precipitation is often higher than the same period seven, eight times or even 13 times. Therefore, the spring drought, crop seedlings on the dry field, crop production and threatened a great threat. Since liberation, the vast majority of poor and middle peasants in the region have created many experiences of farming and preserving soil moisture. These experiences, in terms of their effect on topsoil, can be summed up in two types: one is the tillage that results in relatively close compaction, such as no tillage in autumn and pressure on stubble in early spring. This type of tillage can increase the sowing layer of soil moisture content, have a certain effect of seedlings drought prevention, but the latter part of normal fertility, yield is not high. However, to prevent drought seedlings, the past has been widely used. One is to create more sparse