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桂花是中国十大传统名花之一,栽培历史达2500年以上。桂花因其叶脉形如圭而称“桂”,因其材质致密、纹理如犀而称“木犀”,因其丛生于岩岭间而称“岩桂”,等等。有关桂花的记载最早见于屈原《九歌》:“援北斗兮酌桂浆”,其后东汉班固《汉书·礼乐志》中也有:“尊桂酒,宾八乡”。晋代葛洪《西京杂记》云:“汉初修上林苑,群臣远方各献名果异树,有(木匋)桂十株”。这时,桂花已作为异树栽培于关中了。 民间流传着很多关于桂花的美丽传说,其中汉朝时西河人吴刚,因学仙有过,谪令月中砍树。月中的桂树高五百丈,吴刚日夜砍伐,但是这棵桂树随砍随合,多少年过去了,桂树依然如故,枝繁叶茂,花香浓郁,每到仲秋便给人间洒下阵阵清香。无名氏在《听月楼》诗中吟道“乐奏广寒声声细,斧敲月桂响咚咚;忽闻一阵香风起,吹落嫦蛾笑语声”。毛泽东同志的诗句“问讯吴刚何所有,吴刚捧出桂花酒。”以革命浪漫主义的彩笔,融进了这一美丽动人的神话故事。 我国古代还把桂树作为成功的象征,故有“折桂”之说。 Osmanthus fragrans is one of China’s top ten traditional flowers, cultivation history of more than 2500 years. Osmanthus because of its veined shape such as Kyu called “Gui”, because of its dense texture, texture, such as rhinoceros and said “wood rhinoceros”, because it was born in the rock ridge and called “Rock and Gui,” and so on. The records of osmanthus first appeared in Qu Yuan “Nine Songs”: “aid Beidou dispensed Gui pulp”, then the Eastern Han Dynasty Ban Gu “Han book Ritual” also: “respect wine, Bin Bxiang.” Ge Hong Jin Xijing miscellany “cloud:” Early Han Dynasty Xiu Lin Court, the ministers offerings were different fruit trees, there are (Gui) Gui ten. “ At this time, Osmanthus has been cultivated in Guanzhong as a different tree. There are many popular folk legend about the beautiful sweet-scented osmanthus, of which the Western Han River Wu Gang, because of school fairy had, so that the tree cut in the middle of the month. Month of the laurel five Baizhang, Wu Gang day and night felling, but with the laurel tree with the cut, how many years have passed, the laurel is still the same, flourishing, rich floral, every mid-autumn will give the world shed Bursts of fragrance. Anonymous in the ”listening to the floor,“ the poem, Yin Road, ”the sound of the broad chorus of music, ax knocking on the pound of laurel; suddenly heard a burst of incense, blow the voice of Chang Moth.“ Comrade Mao Tse-tung’s poem, ”Inquiring what Wu Gang Ho owned, Wu Gang held the sweet-scented osmanthus wine.“ Melting this marvelous mythological tale with revolutionary romanticism. In ancient China, Gui Shui also took the symbol of success, so it is said that ”Gui Gui" is adopted.
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