
来源 :水电能源科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wayl1s1s
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为了解不同条件下水泥土的剪切破坏特性和剪破角的变化规律,通过无侧限抗压强度试验、CD试验和平面应变试验对其进行研究。结果表明,水泥土无侧限抗压强度试验的试样以劈裂破坏为主,破坏应变略大于1%,残余强度较低,破坏剪切面呈不规则形状;CD试验破坏强度、破坏应变和残余强度均随围压的增加而增大,试样为剪切破坏,剪切面规则且较光滑,剪破角与围压近似呈线性关系;平面应变试验水泥土强度约为CD试验的1.4~1.6倍,破坏应变和残余强度较CD试验偏小,试样为剪切破坏,剪切面规则且较光滑,剪破角与围压近似呈幂函数关系。对比分析三种剪破角计算理论值与实测值,认为Mohr-Coulomb理论较Roscoe理论和Arthur经验公式更适合预测水泥土的剪破角,研究结果为以后水泥土剪切破坏特性与剪破角研究提供了借鉴。 In order to understand the shear failure characteristics and shear breaking angle of cement soil under different conditions, the unconfined compressive strength test, CD test and plane strain test were used to study the behavior of cement soil. The results show that the specimens subjected to unconfined compressive strength test mainly consist of splitting failure, the failure strain is slightly more than 1%, the residual strength is low and the failure shear surface is irregular. The damage strength and failure strain And the residual strength both increase with the increase of confining pressure. The specimen is shear failure, the shear surface is regular and relatively smooth, and the shear failure angle is approximately linear with the confining pressure. The strength of the plane strain test cement soil is about CD 1.4 ~ 1.6 times. The failure strain and residual strength are smaller than those of the CD test. The specimens are shear failure, the shear surface is regular and smooth, and the shear breaking angle and the confining pressure approximate a power function. Comparing the theoretical and measured values ​​of three kinds of shear-breaking angles, it is considered that the Mohr-Coulomb theory is more suitable for predicting the shear-breaking angle of cement-soil than Roscoe theory and Arthur empirical formula. The results of the study are as follows: Research provides a reference.
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