破瓶颈制约 促科企规模化发展

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近几年来,加强技术创新、发展高科技、实现产业化问题得到了国家的高度重视,政府各种优惠、鼓励政策也在不断的出台,这些措施,激发着科技人员、科研院所等开展产业化工作的热情,他们在邓小平理论的指导下,按照江泽民同志“三个代表”精神的要求,以技术创新和体制创新为契机,积极推进高新技术产业化工作,使得我国科技企业呈现出迅猛发展的势头。而且,多数科技企业在投资主体上实现了多元化,在产业结构上比较贴近国家高科技产业的发展方向,在企业资产上也得到了不断增值。但不能否认的是,我国科技企业的发展很不平衡,大多数科技企业的规 In recent years, the issue of strengthening technological innovation, developing high technology and realizing industrialization has received great attention from the government. Various government incentives and encouragement policies are constantly introduced. These measures have stimulated the development of industries such as scientific and technical personnel and research institutes Under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and in the spirit of Comrade Jiang Zemin's “three represents,” taking the opportunity of technological innovation and system innovation, they actively promoted the industrialization of high-tech industries and made the rapid development of Chinese science and technology enterprises The momentum. Moreover, the majority of science and technology enterprises have diversified their investment bodies and are relatively close to the development direction of the country's high-tech industries in their industrial structure. They have also continuously added value to their assets. However, we can not deny that the development of science and technology enterprises in our country is very uneven. The rules of most science and technology enterprises
低温低浊水处理是给水净化中的一个难题,较长时期以来,我们在太湖水低温低浊期间,处理水质合格率较低,其问题主要反映在以下几个方面: 1.低温低浊水一般出现在水污染比较严
1 前言青年是国家的希望、民族的希望 ,也是我省水利水电事业的希望。在我省水利水电事业的发展进程中 ,青年知识分子发挥了重要的作用 ,并涌现出一批以“全国水利行业青年
为适应小流量(0.2~2吨/小时)散粒状物料的计量与定量给料,国家建材局合肥水泥研究设计院与广东省伦教电器设备厂合作,于1986年开始了“XTC 型电子皮带秤”的研制工作。经过两
本文介绍了用微型致冷机作冷源检定温度传感器的方法与结果。检定传感器时,恒温器温度在30分钟内变化不超过1.5mK。 This article describes the method and result of usin