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从20世纪80年代开始,广州市旧部前小学有领导、有组织、有目的地在学生开展中课外阅读活动,通过多年的实践和探索,总结出了一套切实可行的操作模式,并制定了《旧部前小学各年级阅读目标要求》和《旧部前小学学生必读书目》,学生则以各种生动活泼的形式汇报读书收获。现在,该校的课外阅读课程日趋完善,已发展成为学校的校本课程。随着信息技术和多媒体教学在该校的普及应用,数字化图书馆和电子阅览室等配套的建立和完善,该校在开展“信息技术与学科课程整合”课题研究的同时,实施了全国教育科学“十五”规划教育部重点课题专项研究-“小学生基于网络的校际课外互动阅读的研究”,在多媒体网络课室中,学生不仅可以上网搜索查找、浏览阅读所需要的信息资料,还可以用实时与非实时两种形式,通过网络与协作学校的学生在网上交流读书心得,讨论研究学习问题。2002年12月,该校被中央教育科学研究所定为“全国数字化图书馆试验学校”,2003年5月,正式成为“中小学数字图书馆示范学校”。同时,该校充分发挥学校图书馆在教育教学中的重要作用。现在,该校“数字化图书馆”已成为同学们开拓知识视野、提高人文素养的又一重要阵地,被誉为“学习加油站”和“文化绿洲” From the 1980s onwards, Guangzhou City, the Department of the former primary school have a leadership, organized and purposeful in the students to carry out extra-curricular reading activities, through many years of practice and exploration, summed up a set of practical mode of operation, and developed “Reading Requirements for Primary Schools in Old Part Primary Schools” and “Required Reading Items for Primary Primary School Students in Old Part School”, and students reported their reading achievements in various vivid and lively forms. Nowadays, the school’s extra-curricular reading curriculum is maturing and has developed into a school-based curriculum. With the popularization and application of information technology and multi-media teaching in the school, the establishment and improvement of supporting facilities such as digital library and electronic reading room, while carrying out the research on the subject of information technology and subject curriculum integration, the school implemented the National Education Science “Tenth Five-Year Plan” Ministry of Education focus on special study - “primary school-based Internet-based inter-school study of interactive reading outside the classroom” in the multimedia network classroom, students not only search the Internet to search, browse the information needed to read, you can also use Real-time and non-real-time two forms, through the Internet and collaborative school students to exchange ideas on the Internet reading, study and study issues. In December 2002, the school was designated as “National Digital Library Experimental School” by the Central Institute of Educational Sciences. In May 2003, the school officially became the “Digital Library Model School for Primary and Secondary Schools”. At the same time, the school give full play to the important role of school libraries in education and teaching. Nowadays, the “digital library” of the school has become another important front for students to broaden their horizons of knowledge and enhance their humanistic attainments. They are honored as “Learning Gas Station” and “Cultural Oasis”
VHL (von Hippel-Lindau)疾病是一种罕见的常染色体显性遗传病,其发病率为1/3.6万,平均发病年龄为26.3-30.9岁。VHL作为一个肿瘤抑制子,缺失或者失活将会导致一系列的肿瘤发