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就像磁带录像大范围取代了电影胶片一样,数字化电子技术亦即将取代胶片在静态摄影中的统治地位。日本理光公司刚刚推出了一种袖珍数字照相机DC-1,它能拍摄41万个像素分辨率的照片。照片的高清晰度可以和超级VHS影带相比。 数字照相机并非新东西,但DC-1价格适中,小巧玲珑,便于携带,并且图像的高质量可供多媒体系统使用。DC-1的分辨率已达到奥林匹斯公司两种Deltis牌数字相机的水平,但价格却远远低于它们。电子照相机10年前以模拟的形式进入市场,但直到现在进展仍然缓慢,如索尼公司的Mavica就是用电子替代胶片的尝试产品,人们可以不用洗相而从电视观看拍摄的图像。Mavica使用磁记录媒体取代胶片,这种媒体可保存大约50幅照片,而DC-1采用数字技术,可保存492幅图片,100分钟声音或 Much like videotapes supersede film tapes, digital electronic technology is about to replace the dominance of film in still photography. Japan Ricoh has just launched a compact digital camera DC-1, it can shoot 410,000 pixel resolution photos. High-definition photos can be compared with the super VHS video. Digital cameras are not new, but the DC-1 is affordable, small and portable, and the high quality images are available for multimedia systems. DC-1’s resolution has reached the Olympus level of two Deltis brand digital cameras, but the price is far below them. Electronic cameras entered the market in analog form 10 years ago, but progress has been slow until now, such as Sony’s Mavica, which is a tried-and-tested product using electronic alternatives to film, allowing people to view captured images on television without shampooing. Mavica uses magnetic recording media to replace film, which holds about 50 pictures, while the DC-1 uses digital technology to hold up to 492 pictures, 100 minutes of sound or
本研究建立家兔创伤模型,观察发现,创伤家兔死亡率达28%,个别动物出现脱毛现象及行为习性的改变。这一观察结果支持了的紊乱可以累及中枢神经系统的观点。 This study established
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此文用抽样检查理论,分析了《电力建设施工及验收技术规范》中若干抽样检查方案,提出了用标准型抽样检查方法代替现用的百分比抽样法的建议。 Based on the theory of samplin
Gastrointestinal(GI) diseases comprise a large spectrum of clinical conditions ranging from indigestion to inflammatory bowel diseases(IBDs) and carcinomas. End
由图腾与库纳(M.A.Tutton andG.Kuna)合著的《在塌方中求生存》这本小册子,主要介绍了在巴布亚新几内亚农村地区塌方的影响和如何减少这些影响的简便易行的方法。这本小册子