
来源 :西部财会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:javaoak
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[本刊讯]通讯员薛建刚陕西省市县财政局长座谈会8月2日在西安举行。会议传达学习了全省领导干部大会、省政府全体会议和全国财政厅局长座谈会精神,总结了上半年预算执行情况,分析了当前经济财政形势,安排部署了后几个月财政工作。在听取各市县财政局负责人发言后,财政厅党组书记、厅长张社年发表讲话。财政厅副厅长韩中林主持会议。张社年在讲话中强调,全省广大财政干部职工一定要把思想和行动统一到中央对形势的判断和省委、省政府 [Ben-ken] Correspondent Xuejian Gang Shaanxi Provincial Finance Bureau forum held on August 2 in Xi’an. The meeting conveyed and learned the spirit of the forum of the leading cadres in the province, the plenary meeting of the provincial government and the director of the national finance bureau, summarized the implementation of the budget in the first half of the year, analyzed the current situation of the economy and finance, and arranged the financial work in the months after the deployment. After listening to the speeches of the chiefs of finance bureaux of cities and counties, Zhang Shenian, party secretary and director of the Department of Finance, delivered a speech. Han Zhonglin, deputy director of the Department of Finance chaired the meeting. Zhang Sheinian emphasized in his speech that the vast majority of staff and workers of financial cadres throughout the province must unify their thinking and actions with the Central Government in judging the situation and with the approval of the provincial party committee and government
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We suggest a design method of graded-refractive-index (GRIN) antireflection (AR) coating for s-polarized or ppolarized light at off-normal incidence.The spectru
为规范财政部门监督行为,加强财政管理,切实保障财政资金安全规范有效使用,维护国家财经秩序,财政部日前制定了《财政部门监督办法》,并将于2012年5月1日起正式施行。  财政部有关负责人指出,财政监督是财政管理的重要组成部分,目前财政部门实施监督主要依据《预算法》、《会计法》、《注册会计师法》、《财政违法行为处罚处分条例》、《财政检查工作办法》等,这些法规制度中有关财政监督的规定比较分散、原则,也不
1996年12月1日,湖北宜昌县雾渡河镇观音堂村。晨雾尚未散尽,农家女朱可珍的声音穿过菜园,传到正在浇地的弟弟那里:“科学,吃早饭吧!到县城的车快来啦。” December 1, 1996,