Diagenetic and Catagenetic Transference of Noble Metal Elements in Lower Cambrian Black Rock Series,

来源 :Journal of China University of Geosciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lck2000
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Some extraditional types—black rock series types of platinum group element (PGE), gold and silver mineralization occurrences were found in the Lower Cambrian in Guizhou and Hunan provinces of southwest China where PGE concentration reaches more than 800×10 -6. Sea floor hydrothermal fluid eruption was suggested to have been the main origin of the ore-forming materials. The whole process from the sedimentation to the redistribution of the ore-forming elements occurred on the conditions of intermediate to weak alkaline, weak reduction to weak oxidation. The temperature for the sedimentation and redistribution of the ore-forming elements was lower than 210 ℃. At such a low temperature, inert elements such as PGE, Au and Ag could quite easily be remobilized. Some extraditional types-black rock series types of platinum group element (PGE), gold and silver mineralization occurrences were found in the Lower Cambrian in Guizhou and Hunan provinces of southwest China where PGE concentration reaches more than 800 × 10 -6. The whole process from the sedimentation to the redistribution of the ore-forming elements occurred on the conditions of intermediate to weak alkaline, weak reduction to weak oxidation. The temperature for the sedimentation and redistribution of the ore-forming elements was lower than 210 ° C. At such a low temperature, inert elements such as PGE, Au and Ag could quite easily be remobilized.
20 0 4年4月12 - 13日在北京中国地质大学召开了《中国地质教育》三届二次编委会。中国地质学会地质教育研究分会会长、名誉主编赵鹏大教授亲自到会做重要讲话,并始终参加了
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摘 要 本文探讨了在电子仿真技术课程教学中采用项目驱动教学模式,提高学生的学习兴趣,培养学习主动性和积极性,以有效地提高教学质量。  【关键词】项目驱动教学法;电子仿真技术;教学质量  电子仿真技术作为电子工程类专业的重点选修课程,其主要任务是讲授AD10、Proteus等仿真软件在电路分析、模拟和数字电子线路分析以及单片机中的应用。该课程的理论教学比较枯燥,实践性强,学生学习兴趣低,教学效果一直
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