Studying the E—C Automobile Trademark Translation with the Adaptation Theory

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  【Abstract】:Automobile trademark translation serves as a symbol of company and product while epitomizing corporate image. Previous studies have analyzed automobile trademark from different perspectives and on various focuses. The present study will explore the structural adaptability and contextual adaptability in automobile trademark translation. This study is aimed to confirm the explanatory power of Adaptation Theory and to offer guidance for translation practice in this field.
  【Key words】: Adaptation Theory; automobile trademark translation; English-Chinese
  translation of brand names
  Automobile trademark, the name that a auto company uses on its products and that cannot legally be used by another company, takes a prominent position in promotion. Automobile trademark translation then shoulder the responsibility to transfer the original carriers to fit targeted context to the largest extent. Previous studies have analyzed automobile trademark translation applying various translation methods and strategies from dynamic perspectives. Ren (2010) analyzed E-C translation of trademarks with Equivalence Theory; Li (2014) studied foreign automobile brand name from the perspective of Skopostherie. They have exposed trademark translation on wide fields applying different theories and made contribution to the understanding and studying of trademark translation. However, they fail to focus on a specific studying area such as automobile trademark translation for further analysis and also miss out to some extent the application of a relatively new but approved feasible theory -- Adaptation Theory.
  The present study will explore automobile trademark translation from the perspective of Adaptation Theory, presenting a preliminary attempt at capturing the structural objects of adaptability and contextual correlates of adaptability to show how adaptation happens in the area of auto trademark translation. The findings of the study will contribute to the current knowledge on the application of Adaptation Theory and may contribute to the supplement of study gap for translation practice in this field.
  2.Literature Review
  Trademarks serve as the highlight of products, occupying a remarkable position in fitting consumers’ psychology and arousing purchasing desire. Trademarks are of various diversities for the variety of products in the market. Previous studies on trademark translation are as follow:
  Su(2008) studied Adaptation Strategies in translation of English brand names into Chinese based on the framework of Adaptation Theory proposed by Verschueren(1999).Su(2008) combined quantitative and qualitative analysis, in which 168 examples were collected and 155 in them were applied adaptation strategies. Conclusion claimed the practicability and constructibility of Adaptation Theory in translating brand name and explaining translation practice. Also, translator should place customer’ need and social factors in the primary place when making linguistic and contextual choices.   Huang(2010)gave 32 examples of official translations from automobile, digital equipment, food and other industries, and analyzed their translation techniques and methods from the perspective of Memetics.Huang(2010) proposed that trademark translators should grasp the associative meaning of different psychology from different nations, knowledge of psychology and respect for alien culture as well as simplicity and understandability in translation are two other basic principles for trademark translation.
  Ren(2010) analyzed the E-C translation of trademarks from the perspective of rules of Equivalence Theory proposed by Eugene A. Nida(1986). Fifty-one English brand names were listed and analyzed due to four different translation methods their translator used. Ren(2010)argued that, to optimize equivalence, not only the equal transition of referential meaning but also flexible interlanguage pragmatic adjustments, which were based on targeted context and in all-around levels, were worthy of consideration.
  Zhang(2013) collected 209 brand names of female consumer goods from official websites, magazines and department stores. Structural and contextual adaptation realization during translation process is shown by a adaptation model. She claims that the Adaption Theory is practical and feasible for translation practice as it maybe useful in various kinds of linguistic structure as well as contextual correlates.
  After general analysis of previous relevant studies, the author finds that many articles writes about the translation methods and principles based only on description of listing extensive examples rather than focusing on a certain field such as automobile translation. Also, many studies applying dynamic translating methods and strategies from different perspectives but seldom study auto trademark translation from the perspective of Adaptation Theory which has been proved to be feasible and relatively new in explaining translation phenomena according to studies the author have listed above.Thus, the author will extend her study based on previous studies’ strengths and weaknesses and hope for further progress.
  3. Methodology
  Verschueren (2000) pointed out that language use is a dynamic process of continuous making of choice as to satisfy language users’ communicative needs. As translation is a special form of language use, automobile trademark translation should be a process of choice-making adaptation.
  3.1 Structural Adaptation in Automobile Trademark Translation
【摘要】:地域环境是人类赖以生存的环境基础,我国地域辽阔,各个地域环境中所生活的人群产生了独特的、与之相适应的生活方式和行为习惯,从而产生了不同的地域文化,如齐鲁文化、燕赵文化、关东文化、吴越文化、中原文化等。地域文化是某一区域的人在长期的生产生活中所形成的包含一定的物质形态和精神形态总和的一种文化。泰山位于齐鲁大地上,具有独特的地域文化特色,在中华民族文明史上占据着非常重要的地位。 在中国山水画
【摘要】:篮球文化的发展随着我国文化体制改革的不断深入迎来了新的机遇,要把握这一机遇,对篮球文化进行深入研究,促进其新的发展。本文通过对我国篮球文化的发展现状进行研究,结合其中的问题进行分析,探究篮球文化发展的路径,以促进篮球文化的持续化发展。  【关键词】:篮球文化;发展现状;发展路径  作为人类社会文化发展当中一个组成部分,体育文化的发展在人类社会的进步中发挥出了其独特的作用[1]。作为现代体
【摘要】:洛阳凉洛寨的泥娃娃,是洛阳市第二批非物质文化遗产,凉洛寨的泥娃娃的兴起与洛阳人的求子习俗是息息相关的,因民间求子、拴娃娃非常盛行,洛阳郊区李楼乡凉洛寨的老百姓就为“求子”专门捏制泥娃娃,遠近闻名,至今已有上百年历史,也使得凉洛寨的泥娃娃成为洛阳民间美术的一种独特的门类。本文是对凉洛寨娃娃的深入研究,从历史渊源,发源地,制作过程,文化传承四个方面进行论述。  【关键词】:凉洛寨泥娃娃;求子
【摘要】:为了弘扬传统文化,让更多的孩子接受圣贤文化的熏陶,体会国学经典的智慧,提高学习能力,受益终生;为了让更多的家庭感受传统文化的魅力,营造更和谐的家庭氛围;为了让更多的儿童学习力行《弟子规》,从小打好做人的基础,孝亲尊师,礼敬圣贤。  【关键词】:基层公共图书馆;国学经典;阅读推广  儒和学堂经典诵读班设在寿光市图书馆尼山书院,为公益性质,不收取费用,老师及参与管理的家长都是志愿者。寒暑假办
【摘要】:本文以江南水乡古镇建筑为解读对象,从文化传承的角度,对于江南的古镇建筑的历史风貌以及文化特征進行探析,对于新型城市化这一大背景下江南的古镇建筑面临的挑战进行初步解读,并提出部分应对措施以及建议。  【关键词】: 古镇建筑;城市化;挑战;建议  前言  水轻柔地流着,风婉转地吹着,就在这样的阳光下,江南走进了我的心中。江南好,风景旧曾谙。日出江花红胜火,春来江水绿如蓝。  在阅读诗文的过程
【摘要】:城市快速发展的今天,人们开始重视文化的建设,在各个方面投入的时间、经历也在持续的增加。从客观的角度来分析,城市社区文化建设,是比较重要的工作内容,在可靠性、可行性方面是比较值得肯定的。文章针对城市社区文化建设的意义及对策展开讨论,并提出合理化建议。  【关键词】:城市;社区;文化;建设;对策  我国作为一个发展中国家,在现阶段的建设中,正处于一个非常重要的阶段,很多方面的内容都在不断的健
【摘要】:美的本质在于激发人的自由情感。在当今综艺节目和真人秀节目等高碳艺术霸屏的时代,作为低碳艺术典型代表的《中国诗词大会》,可谓是电视荧屏的一股清流,激发了受众重温了中国诗词经典的自由情感。本文从低碳美学的角度分析《中国诗词大会》,从低碳艺术的直观真实、客观真实以及陶冶型自由情感这三个角度入手,通过低碳美学与节目的创意、内容和发展策略的巧妙结合,分析《中国诗词大会》取得成功的原因。  【关键词
【摘要】:美国第45任总统特朗普之所以竞选成功,是有着政治、经济和文化与社会原因的。特朗普上任以后,正在从内政和外交等各个方面履行其竞选时的诺言。  【关键词】:美国总统;特朗普;获胜原因;外交趋势  一、特朗普获胜原因  2017年1月20日,唐纳德·特朗普在美国首都华盛顿宣誓就职,成为美国第45任总统。共和党候选人特朗普之所以能够打败民主党候选人希拉里,是有着以下几点原因的:  1.政治原因 
【摘要】:《中华人民共和国宪法》(以下简称《宪法》)作为我国的根本大法,是我国具有代表性的汉语立法语言。本文以《宪法》为例,分析法律语体中语言的语法特点。  【关键词】:中华人民共和国宪法;词语;句子;影响  法律语体可以归为公文语体的一种。首先,体现在语言风格上,法律语言有庄重性、确切性、平易简约性和朴实性的特点。其次,在用词和句式上,法律语言多用法律专有名词和文言词语,并且词汇发展缓慢,同时,
【摘要】:颜色词作为语言词汇中不可或缺的组成部分,用来描绘客观事物的色彩,不仅数量丰富而且用途广泛。颜色词具有各式各样的修辞表达,并且可以通过不同的辞格表现出来,能够增强语言的表现力,丰富语言的表达效果。本文从明喻、隐喻、借喻、换说等修辞角度及其修辞效果对汉俄颜色词加以较为详细的比较和探讨,剖析并例证了二者在汉、俄語中修辞功能的相似性特点。  【关键词】:汉俄颜色词;修辞格;修辞功能;相似性  引