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近年来,各种国产、进口高中档化妆品充斥市场,为美化人们生活起到了一定的作用。但是,有不少人在使用某些化妆品后不仅未能“芳颜永驻”,而出现了皮炎、痤疮和皮肤黑变,又不得不到医院求治。目前盛行的唇膏、胭脂和其他一些化妆品都是由多种化学物质制成的,有的具有毒性,如砷、铅、甲醛等物质。一些劣质产品中其毒性超过规定标准,极易造在皮肤吸收性中毒。曾有报道,国外一婴儿在与母亲亲吻时,因舔食了母亲脸上的粉脂,结果引起铅中毒,不幸 In recent years, a variety of domestic and imported high profile cosmetics flooding the market, to beautify people’s lives played a role. However, after using some cosmetics, many people have not only failed to find a permanent presence, but dermatitis, acne and skin blackening have emerged and they have to go to the hospital for treatment. Currently popular lipstick, rouge and other cosmetics are made from a variety of chemical substances, and some are toxic, such as arsenic, lead, formaldehyde and other substances. Some poor quality products in the toxicity of more than the required standard, easily made in the skin absorptive poisoning. It has been reported that when a foreign child kisses his mother, she licks the powder on her mother’s face and the result is lead poisoning. Unfortunately,
1994年,刘韬一边上大学,一边做模特;2000年,成立中乾龙德经纪公司,但还没有想过以后要在娱乐圈做经纪人;2007年,经过几年的努力,他成为行业内颇有影响力的经纪人。 In 1994,
“我的排行榜不会事先征得他们的同意。”华为的老板任正非不愿意公开自己的任何财富数据,还向胡润发了律师函,胡润还是在当年的榜单上把他排在了第三名。 “My rankings w
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