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  “这是中国国际人才网第七次组织外籍人才招聘会,以前还没有来过这么多的求职者,”招聘会的组织者Michael Li说,这次招聘会吸引了1100多位求职者,几乎是去年的两倍。
  “相比其他地方,中国尤其是北京受危机的影响比较小,” Michael Li的同事Christina Yang解释道。
  语言教师仍然排在职位需求榜的首位:56家招聘方中有37家招聘外国语言类专家。25岁的Argentine Laura Leiro就是这样一位,她来北京学习汉语,希望教授西班牙语来资助中文学习,“我计划做一年或两年,然后可以发挥多语言的优势。”在招聘会现场,她辗转各个展位,手中拿着一沓简历。
  31岁的Fred Khan来自巴基斯坦,是一位英语老师,他认为利用招聘会可以估计自己的市场价值,还可以看看潜在的机会。
  Peter Strijdonk正是其中之一。和很多求职者一样,他的情绪很高。这位荷兰人6个月前才刚刚来到中国,他对自己的新生活充满热情。“在欧洲,很多人对自己的未来没有安全感,但在这里,你到处都能感觉到积极的氛围”。他说,“我永远没有胆量在欧洲开创自己的事业。”Peter Strijdonk参加招聘会希望扩展人脉,也想了解真正的外籍人才招聘会。
  对于一些新到中国的外国人,一份教师的工作是最普遍的起点,但其他机会也在增加,来自爱集斯国际运输服务(AGS Four Winds)的Flora Sheng说。
  目前,其中只有1/3的运输服务是流向客户的,但Flora Sheng认为危机带来的大批外籍人士流出的高峰已经过去。
  Bernd Reitmeier认为在华德国社区也出现了这样的趋势。德国商务代表团的副代表在上海说在华德国人并没有像韩国人或美国人一样大规模流出。
  “在上海的韩国人数在5个月内从10万减少到5万,但德国人的回国率估计仅仅3%-5%。” Reitmeier说。
  对于Clemens Helbock,ixpat.com的创办者和CEO来说,中国已经是赢家了。
  “经济增加带来了就业。” ixpat.com网站今年3月份提供的职位比去年同期增长了30%。
  超过80%的美国公司对未来5年的中国业务表示乐观。实际上,这些公司并不认为经济下滑是他们面临的主要挑战。知识产权保护、寻找并培训有资质的人才是更主要的问题。“吸引有资质的人才”是在华跨国公司的主要挑战。中国仍然需要大批人才,中国历史最悠久的钢铁公司首钢也在招聘会现场参展,它急需外籍专家。首钢提供了19个工程师和2个财务专家的职位,“但并没有足够的应聘者满足我们的职位需求,”首钢人力资源主管Hu Yuping说。排名世界14的轮胎生产商“三角”拥有几个展位,也面临相同的问题。
  “想找到一些领域的外国专家很难,比如轮胎工程、机械工程或国际贸易,”“三角”的翻译Richard Hu说。 (转载自4月27日版China Daily)
  They're from the United Kingdom, Austria, Pakistan or the United States. Hundreds of job hunters gather at the Swissotel in Beijing on an April afternoon. They're smiling, chatting and full of expectation. Their positive mood stands in striking contrast to the gloom overshadowing their home countries, where the economy is facing the most severe downturn in decades.Catchwords such as "bankruptcy", "depression" and "recession" are dominating the headlines there. But in Beijing it's not a belly-up, it's a thumbs up.
  "It's the seventh time that the Chinajob.com job fair has taken place, and never before there were so many visitors," says Michael Li, organizer of the event, which attracted more than 1,100 job hunters, more than double than last year.
  "China and especially Beijing are less affected by the crisis than almost anywhere else," explains Li's colleague Christina Yang.There is still an increase in the job market - and not only in terms of quantity of positions, but also the quality. "Compared to previous years, the jobs offered demand higher qualification and imply a higher salary," she says.
  Language teaching positions are still the top dog: 37 out of 56 exhibitors at the job fair were looking for foreign language experts, like Argentine Laura Leiro, who strolls through the fair booths with a pack of CVs in her hand.The 25 year old came to Beijing to studying Chinese and wants to finance it by teaching Spanish."I plan to do that for a year or two and then make the most out of my multilingualism," she says.
  Fred Khan, 31, from Pakistan already works as an English teacher. He regards the job fair as a chance to test his market value and "to see about the possibilities".After three years in Beijing, both he and his wife feel at home, he says."Beijing is incredible peaceful compared to other international cities - and China is just an ocean of opportunities," he says.
  As China's economy continues to grow, even though much lower than recent years, the influx of expat grows with it, especially if the foreigner has something to bring to the developing economy. China has become a paradise for skilled foreigners.
  One of them is Peter Strijdonk. Like many visitors at the job fair, his mood is running high. The Dutchman moved to China just six months ago, and he is very enthusiastic about his new life.
  "While a lot of people in Europe are very insecure about their future now, here you can feel a positive vibe everywhere," he says.
  When Strijdonk came to China, he founded a consultant firm named Small Steps Coaching - and the move became a great big step for himself.He would never have dared to start his own business in Europe, he says.
  Strijdonk visits the Chinajobs.com job fair for networking purposes and also to look at the very foreigner friendly job market, he says."When you look at China, there are great future prospects almost everywhere," says Strijdonk."There's energy, and there's room for initiative. If you want to reach a certain business goal, then you can do it."
  For newly arrived foreigners, diving into a teaching job is the most popular starting point, but other opportunities arise, explains Flora Sheng from international removal company AGS Four Winds.The Beijing branch of her company organizes about 50 removals per month.
  At the moment only one third of them are moving in clients, but Sheng is convinced the peak of the crisis-driven expat exodus has already passed."At the dawn of the crisis many big international corporations sent their overseas employees and their families back home," Sheng says.Now the tide is about to turn again. "Inbound removals regain territory, especially from France and South Africa," she says.
  Bernd Reitmeier is seeing the same trend occurring in the German expatriates community. The deputy delegate of the Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Shanghai says German expats have not left China in such massive numbers compared to Koreans or Americans.
  "While for example the Korean community in Shanghai shrank from 100,000 to 50,000 within only five months, the returnee ratio of Germans is estimated to be only 3 to 5 percent," Reitmeier says.About 8,500 Germans live in Shanghai today - eight times more than when Reitmeier arrived 10 years ago."The Germans will be coming to China in great numbers," Reitmeier predicts.
  German companies in China are more immune to the crisis than their American counterparts, as their focus is less on export and more on the local market.And the Chinese market is still doing comparatively well.Reitmeier believes China "in the long run will be the winner from this economic crisis".
  For Clemens Helbock, founder and CEO of the expat job site ixpat.com, China is already the winner."Many foreigners realize that job perspectives in their home economies are far from bright while at the same time there is still growth in China," he says."And growth attracts workforce." On ixpat.com there were 30 percent more job offerings in March 2009 compared to the same period in the previous year.In view of the global economic crisis, Helbock expects a swelling influx of what he calls "inpats"."These are foreigners who are young, ambitious and willing to work on a local contract in exchange for experience and the perspective of long-term settlement," he says.
  Localization is a major trend - and this is true not only for the foreign companies' expat salaries, but also for their target market.According to the new Business Climate Survey conducted by the American Chamber of Commerce more than 60 percent of the American companies said pursuing the Chinese market is their main reason for operating in China - compared to a mere 51 percent in 2008.
  More than 80 percent of the American companies said they feel optimistic about their five-year business outlook in China.In fact, these organizations do not consider the economic slowdown as the dominating challenge.Bigger threats are the protection of intellectual property rights - and the problem of finding and retaining qualified talent.A study conducted by the consulting firm Watson Wyatt arrives at the same conclusion."Attraction of qualified talent" is the greatest business challenge for multinational companies in China.
  China is still in need of a brain gain. One of the companies at the job fair in great need of expat experts is China's oldest steel company Shougang.It offers 19 engineering and two financial expert positions at the fair, "but there are just not enough suitable applicants for those positions," Shougang HR manager Hu Yuping says.
  The world's number 14 tire producer Triangle, a few booths on, is facing the same problem."It's quite hard to find foreign experts in fields like tire engineering, mechanical engineering or international trade," Triangle interpreter Richard Hu explains.(China Daily 04/27/2009 page10)
他是一位享誉世界的声学泰斗。  他年少成名,25岁时便成为哈佛大学第一位仅用两年时间就拿到博士学位的人。  当年,周总理亲自点将,由他主持完成了北京人民大会堂的音响设计。  他90岁时上书温家宝总理,就基础研究和自主创新等问题建言献策。他就是中国科学院院士——马大猷。      北京中关村,马大猷院士的家,整洁而简朴。面积达30多平方米的书房,被两排长长倚墙而立的书柜“挤”小了很多。94岁高龄的马
自2001年起,“展望计划”每年承办两至三期国家外国专家局承担的列入中组部计划的西部县(市)委书记、县(市)长专题研修班,截至目前,展望计划共举办这类培训20期,培训789名西部县(市)长。   “展望计划”旨在帮助贫困地区及贫困人口提升自强发展能力,促进人与社会能力建设、促进追求卓越与共同发展。该项目于1993年由中国国际人才交流协会和中国青少年发展基金会发起并组织实施,并得到中央国家机关和上海
武汉市外国专家局通过聘请外国专家和海外留学人才共同解决经济社会发展中的环境水污染问题,引智创新污水处理新技术,这项新技术有望使千千万万个排放单位对污水进行处理后,开始将清澈洁净的水排入东湖,为百湖之城带来了新的希望。  武汉市外国专家局在引进国外智力工作中,紧紧围绕当地经济社会发展中的主要问题开展引智工作,近几年,通过聘请外国专家和海外留学人才共同解决经济社会发展中的环境水污染问题,引智创新污水处
在一个湘西南的偏远小村里,罗密罗(Ramiro)度过了自己最难忘的中国春节,他受到了鞭炮迎送的礼遇,甚至还收到了一份红包,这份红包来自一个普通的中国老农。    又逢新春佳节时,如同一阵激荡心灵的莫名躁动,春节就在万种诱人的气息间,在五颜六色里,在百态千姿中,向人们昭示着自己的到来。即便是那些没有感到、嗅到以及看到这一切的人们,也能从孩子们燃放的爆竹声中听到她的脚步声。  而善于观察的人则会立刻意
4月27日上午,济南举行首届“泉城友谊奖”颁奖典礼,德国德莱孚·普莱葛先生等来自9个国家的12名外国专家获此殊荣。  “泉城友谊奖”是为表彰对济南经济社会发展做出重要贡献的外国专家而设立的,以激励更多的外国专家来济工作。首届获奖的12名专家分别来自德国、美国、巴西、日本等9个国家,有的专家已经在济南工作多年。这些专家在传授农业新技术、培育农业优良品种,解决企业技术、管理难题,进行重大科技攻关、新兴
瑞哈特·库诺是德国宇航中心交通研究所所长,是智能交通研究领域的权威人士,也是目前对安徽智能交通监控系统最给力的现聘外国专家之一。    采访时,库诺拿出他在2006年和2007年获得“黄山友谊奖”和中国政府“友谊奖”的照片,与大家分享这份殊荣。他说,在获得中国政府“友谊奖”后,他和夫人被邀请到北京出席当年的国庆招待会,受到温家宝总理的亲切接见,温总理和他热烈握手表示祝贺,令他激动万分。回到安徽后,
买礼物、准备饭菜,节日也给大家带来烦恼。2010年的圣诞节,CCTV_9的洋主播给他的中国家人做了一桌圣诞大餐,他很享受这次主厨经历。    作为一名来自澳大利亚的记者和播音员,圣诞节和新年意味着新闻淡季的开始。当圣诞老人“呵、呵、呵”地驾着雪橇驶来时,我曾工作过的澳大利亚和新西兰媒体新闻编辑部门也开始准备那些“永叵的故事”,这样的故事没有令人紧张的最后期限也不会过时。既然没有什么重要新闻,一些软
他是第一个开拓渠道、派遣赴日研修生、探讨将“富士苹果”系列引入河北的人。退休后,他仍然没有离开“农”字,他要把引智“嫁接”到扶贫上。    胡志斌用4个“农”字概括自己的一生:生在农家,长在农村,学在农校,干在“三农”。  他是第一个开拓渠道、派遣赴日研修生、探讨将“富士苹果”系列引入河北的人。  退休后,他仍然没有离开“农”字,他要把引智“嫁接”到扶贫上。    烫手山芋变成香饽饽    胡志斌
黄河49%、长江26%、澜沧江16%和黑g40%的水量源于青海,而且都是无污染、清洁的水质,这里素有“中华水塔”、“江河源头”之称。“三江源”独特的生态环境造就了世界上高海拔地区独一无二的大面积湿地生态系统。  2005年国务院批准通过了《青海三江源国家自然保护区生态保护建设的总体规划》,随后国家外专局将其列入重点给予大力支持。  “三江源地区生态保护建设工程”是一项复杂、系统的立体化工程,涉及以