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1966年3月下旬,河北省邢台地区发生大地震.正在中南海西花厅总理办公室处理国事的周恩来一接到报告立即按铃叫来值班秘书:“通知空军,调一架直升飞机,我马上去邢台……”凌晨五点多,载着周总理等一行人的直升飞机降落到邢台地震的重灾区隆尧县境内.这时,大地还在不停地颤抖,余震接连不断,被震毁了的楼房屋宇的断壁残垣上不时掉下一块一片的散落物.当周总理等来到隆尧县城内西大街路口时,闻讯或奉命赶来的解放军指战员、各地干部、群众和医护人员等以及装满救灾物资的车辆正纷纷从四面八方涌来,车辆很快挤满了整个街道,这时谁都想尽快赶到救灾目的地,人人心急如火,个个争先恐后,结果越急越挤,越挤越紧,把岗亭上坚持上岗的交通民警忙得不亦乐乎,累得满头大汗,街道上却不见一点宽松的影子. In late March 1966, a major earthquake struck Xingtai, Hebei Province, and Zhou Enlai, who was handling the affairs of state in Zhonghuahai Xihua Office, immediately sent a bell-call to the secretary on duty: “Informing the Air Force that a helicopter is to be deployed and I immediately go Xingtai ... ”At about five o’clock in the morning, a helicopter carrying Premier Zhou and a group of pedestrians landed on the site of Longyao County, the hardest hit of the Xingtai earthquake. At this time, the earth was still trembling and the aftershocks came one after another and was destroyed When the Prime Minister Zhou came to the junction of the West Avenue in Longyao County, the PLA officers and soldiers, people’s army cadres, the masses and the medical staff of the People’s Liberation Army who heard or were ordered to come to the hearing were dropped off from the broken wall of the buildings. Personnel and other vehicles filled with relief supplies are coming in from all directions, and the vehicles quickly fill the entire street. At this time, no one wants to get to the disaster relief destination as soon as possible, and all are in a hurry. The more crowded, the more crowded the more tight, the police station insist on the post traffic police busy, tired sweating profusely, but the streets did not see a little loose shadow.
俄罗斯国家研究型工艺技术大学NUST MISIS(莫斯科国立科技大学)的科学家利用"溶液燃烧"中的自蔓延高温合成法(SHS),研制出有特殊性能的纳米材料。这些材料可广泛应用于燃料、太阳能