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目的:了解西北地区高校大学生的生育意愿及其影响因素,分析其形成的内在动力和外部条件,揭示社会、经济发展对高学历人群生育意愿影响的范围和程度,为西北地区实施和调整计划生育政策提供科学依据。方法:以西北地区8所高校的在校大学生为对象,问卷调查和实地走访相结合调查其生育意愿及影响因素。随机抽样发放调查问卷1 000份。实地走访各高校若干名同学,讨论所填问卷的真实性和客观性。数据统计分析,针对问卷多选题回答百分比最大的前几项。结果:回收有效问卷960份,其中男生497份、女生463份。统计分析发现,70.8%的大学生婚后选择生育,爱情和亲情因素被认为是生育的首要目的,经济和物质条件是影响生育意愿的核心因素;多数大学生选择30岁以前婚育,近半数认为一男一女是最佳的子女构成;他们对子女的教育预期较高,但对子女的职业预期持理解和宽容的态度。结论:西北地区高校大学生的生育意愿基本和社会大众对他们的预期相符,自主性和理想性强,重感情和家庭,比较重事业、也有社会责任感;已摒弃了重男轻女、男尊女卑思想,子女性别构成更趋理智和成熟;多数对子女的教育和职业期望比较高但多理解、支持和宽容;同时,受当地社会、经济发展水平和保障程度的极大影响。 Objective: To understand the intension and the influencing factors of college students' fertility in Northwest China, to analyze the inherent motivation and external conditions of their formation, to reveal the scope and extent of social and economic development impact on the fertility wishes of highly educated people, to implement and adjust family planning Policy provides a scientific basis. Methods: The undergraduates of 8 colleges and universities in the northwest of China were selected as research objects. The questionnaire survey and field visit were combined to investigate their wishes and influencing factors. A random sample of 1,000 questionnaires was distributed. A number of field trips to a number of university students to discuss the authenticity of the questionnaire and objectivity. Statistical analysis of data, for the questionnaire multiple choice answer the first few percentage of the largest. Results: 960 valid questionnaires were recovered, including 497 boys and 463 girls. Statistical analysis found that 70.8% college students choose marriage after marriage, love and affection factors are considered to be the primary objective of childbirth, economic and material conditions are the core factors affecting the wishes of childbearing; most college students choose to marry before the age of 30, nearly half of a male A woman is the best child; they have a high expectation of their children's education, but they have an understanding and tolerance toward their children's occupations. Conclusion: The intension of birth of university students in Northwest China is basically in line with the expectation of the general public. Their autonomy and ideality are strong, their feelings and family are heavy, their cause of social responsibility is more important, and they also have social responsibility. They have abandoned the preference of patriarchal, The sex composition is more rational and mature. Most children have higher education and career expectations but more understanding, support and tolerance. At the same time, they are greatly influenced by the local social, economic development and level of security.
目的 :了解影响茶碱血药浓度的遗传性及后天性因素。方法 :对茶碱血药浓度过量的 1 4 6例住院病人的ABO血型及有否吸烟嗜好、基础疾病进行分析。结果 :O型血型病人、嗜烟和肺
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1995~ 1 999年间我们用斯皮仁诺 (西安杨森制药生产 )治疗孢子丝菌病 5例 ,现将有关资料报道如下。1 临床资料全组 5例。男 3,女 2 ;年龄 9岁~ 6 5岁 ,平均 37 4岁 ;病程 2月~
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目的 :探索一种安全、有效的抗生素以取代庆大霉素在眼科的应用。方法 :①将 5mg、10mg及 2 0mg先锋必分别注入 14只兔眼玻璃体腔 ,在不同的时间 ,摘取眼球 ,通过光镜及电镜