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  Marco: Our next story is about a different sort of challenge, though it still involves finding better ways to use our natural resources. Sixteen-year-old Elif Bilgin from Istanbul, Turkey, wanted to find an alternative to traditional petroleum-based plastic production. She came up with a way to develop a bio-plastic from, get this, discarded banana peels. Her project won a 2013“Science in Action” award and a $50,000 prize from Scientific American. So how’d you come up with this idea, taking bananas and turning them into bio-plastic?
  Elif: I read a paper about how to make bio-plastic out of potatoes and the 1)starch that was extracted from that, and I thought maybe I could find another substance that I could use to make a plastic, which was not something we consume every day but actually we throw away every day, and the banana peel was a really good example for that.
  Marco: So how do you do it? How do you take this banana peel and get the starch out of it and turn it into plastic?
  Elif: I actually just take the banana peel and then dip it into a special solution, which has some chemicals in it—it’s called 2)sodium metabisulfite solution—and then I boil the banana peels, and then actually mash them into some sort of a 3)puree or paste. And then I take 25 millilitres of this paste, add sodium 4)hydroxide and 5)hydrochloric acid and also 6)glycerin, and then I bake it and it becomes plastic.
  Marco: And you did this, like, in your Mom’s kitchen or something?
  Elif: I did part of it in my Mom’s kitchen, part of it at the laboratory, and, well, that was it.
  Marco: And, like any good scientist, you had to experience the disappointment of trial and error, but you finally landed on a formula that lasts for a while. Can you take banana plastic and turn it into an everyday item, for example, plastic water bottle. Are you there yet?
  Elif: I didn’t try with water bottles but I actually 7)insulated a copper cable,…
  Marco: Wow!
  Elif: …and also, if you bake it into a mold it can be actually used in the making of cosmetic 8)prostheses.
  Marco: And how long does this plastic last, ’cause I know some plastics, they get a little 9)brittle after a while, they fall apart. What’s the duration on your plastic?
  Elif: I’m not sure exactly because, it’s a funny story, I didn’t think that I was gonna be chosen, so I threw the plastics away after, like, three months, so I’m not really sure, but it stays 10)intact for a long time.   Marco: Right. It lasted long enough for you to get the prize from Scientific American. You know, just the other day I was wondering about plastics—I wonder about things like that—and was really surprised to find out that plastics actually pre-date mass fossil fuel use by centuries. Like, even in the Middle Ages, they were making plastics out of bio-proteins like blood and egg yolk. So are you reclaiming the plastics of years past?
  Elif: Well, we polluted the Earth long enough and I think we should go back to the old way, so we can actually reclaim a part of it.
  Marco: So, you…you won $50,000 for this. What are you gonna do with the prize money?
  Elif: I’m not sure, but my main focus will be to further develop my project.

  Marco: Keep on working with banana peel plastics, bio-plastics?
  Elif: Yeah.
  Marco: Elif, I’m…I’m just curious how a…a 16-year-old young woman got into experimenting with plastics, when I’m sure a lot of other people around you are more interested in who the latest pop star is and…
  Elif: Yeah, Justin Bieber.
  Marco: …where Justin Bieber’s flying next.
  Elif: Yeah. Well I really love science and I’ve been attending a school for gifted students for the last six years, and they support you a lot and encourage you to do scientific research, and I’ve been in that program for six years, and I’ve been very interested in science.
  Marco: What do you think the big oil companies will have to say about banana peel plastics?
  Elif: Oh my, I’m not sure.
  Marco: Sixteen-year-old Elif Bilgin from Istanbul, who’s won the 2013 “Science in Action” award.

  艾利芙:我曾读到一篇论文讲的是利用土豆,从土豆中提取出淀粉来制造生物塑料。所以我想也许我能找到另一种物质—— 一种我们每天丢弃而不是每天消耗的东西,来制造塑料。香蕉皮就是这样一个好例子。

  艾利芙:我没有拿它试做塑料瓶,但我用它做了铜线电缆的绝缘材料……   马可:哇!

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