The key to solving the energy problem is transportation. The Yangtze River, with its advantage of water transport, occupies an important position in coal transportation. According to the plan: In 1985, the capacity of transporting coal in the Yangtze River was 30 million tons, reaching 40 million tons in 1990 and 60-70 million tons in the end of this century. Therefore, it is proposed to build the Fuyang Railway in Shangqiu during the “Seventh Five-Year Plan” In the “Seventh Five-Year” period, the second line of the Jiaozhi Line will be double-tracked. In the “Eighth Five-Year Plan” period, the Hanban double track will be completed and the capacity of coal transportation in Hankou Port will be expanded. Beijing-Guangzhou line to the coal. Adopting advanced science and technology such as expanding port throughput capacity, building large-scale coal transit bases centered around Wusong and Nantong, accelerating ship renewal and developing large-scale push-boats, the Yangtze River, an important gateway for transporting coal, is built on a very reliable On the basis of science.