继往开来 建立核电——纪念核工业第二研究设计院建院40周年

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1998年元月8日是我院建院40周年纪念日。作为核工业系统最早成立的大型综合性研究设计院,40年来,我院始终以发展祖国核事业作为崇高的使命,为我国核工业的发展做出了应有的贡献,并在创业实践中壮大起来。随着国家经济建设对能源需求的不断增长,发展核电成为目前我国核工业的战略重点,我院积极投身于核电建设,致力于核电设计自主化,并以自身雄厚的实力,承担了“九五”期间开工建设的秦山二期、广东岭澳和江苏连云港三大核电工程的设计任务。“好雨知时节,当春乃发生”。党的十五大确定了把建设有中国特色社会主义全面推 January 8, 1998 marks the 40th anniversary of the founding of our hospital. As the earliest large-scale comprehensive research and design institute established in the nuclear industry system, for 40 years, our college has always taken the development of the motherland’s nuclear industry as a noble mission and made due contributions to the development of our country’s nuclear industry. stand up. With the increasing demand for energy from the national economic construction, the development of nuclear power has become the strategic focus of our country’s nuclear industry at present. Our hospital actively devotes itself to the nuclear power construction and is committed to the independence of nuclear power design. With its own solid strength, During the construction of the Qinshan Phase II, Guangdong Ling’ao and Jiangsu Lianyungang three nuclear power project design tasks. “Good rain knows the season, when spring is here”. The 15th National Congress of the CPC has decided to comprehensively push forward the building of socialism with Chinese characteristics
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