
来源 :民用飞机设计与研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dddff628
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为了满足民用飞机产品开发过程中对起落架漂浮特性分析的实际需求,设计并开发了一款实用工具软件。该软件是基于国际通用的ICAO标准计算模型开发的,实现了国际上通行的民用飞机起落架漂浮特性分析所需的3大功能,其计算分析结果的精度和国际主流飞机制造商发布的数据相当,能够很好地满足民机产品开发在设计及手册编制方面的综合要求,工程实用性很强。目前,该软件已成功应用到国产支线和单通道民用飞机产品的研发之中,经济效益显著。 In order to meet the practical needs of landing gear floating characteristics in the development of civil aircraft products, a practical software was designed and developed. The software was developed based on the internationally accepted ICAO standard calculation model to achieve the three major functions required by the international analysis of landing gear floating characteristics of civil aircraft. The accuracy of the calculation results is comparable to that of data released by major international aircraft manufacturers , Can well meet the comprehensive requirements of civil aircraft product development in the design and manual preparation, the project is very practical. At present, the software has been successfully applied to the domestic branch and single-channel civil aircraft product development, significant economic benefits.
【正】 股份合作制在农村和城镇已渗透于工、商、运、建、服、农、林、牧、副、渔等各行各业,在城乡一体化的实现过程中发挥着越来越大的作用,是加速城乡一体化的有效手段和
【正】 税收是国家财政收入的主要来源,是国家调控经济的重要杠杆.我国自80年代中后期以来,由于种种原因,国税流失非常严重,已成为吞噬国库的一个“黑洞”.SOS:国税大失血税
【正】 保护本国农业特别是粮食生产,在世界上具有普遍性.联合国粮农组织的一份研究报告指出:“所有发达的市场经济国家都依靠农业价格政策和贸易措施保护他们的大部分农业,