
来源 :贵阳市委党校学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:konglingdao
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“三个代表”思想不仅是党的建设理论,也是对党的先进性的新概括、新认识,对党的历史经验的新总结。 一、革命、建设和改革开放都是代表着先进社会生产力的发展要求 中国共产党成立之日起,就是代表着社会发展方向,走在时代前列的无产阶级政党。中国共产党诞生之际,正是民族危机日益深重、国家存亡危在旦夕的严重时刻,争取民族独立和人民解放,实现国家繁荣富强和人民富裕,成为当时中国社会的时代主题和历史任务。回顾80年的历程可以看到,贯穿于全部理论和实践的一条主线,就是始终代表着中国先进生产力的发展要求,无论遇到何种艰难险阻,都坚定不移地为生产力的解放和发展开辟道路。毛泽东指出:“中国一切政党的政策及其实践在中国人民中所表现的作用的好坏、大小,归根到 The “three represents” theory is not only a theory of party building, but also a new generalization and new understanding of the advanced nature of the party and a new summary of the party’s historical experience. First, revolution, construction and reform and opening up all represent the development of advanced social productive forces. Since the founding of the CPC, the CPC has been the proletarian party that represents the direction of social development and is at the forefront of the times. At the birth of the Communist Party of China, it was precisely at a serious moment when the national crisis was deepening and the country was on the verge of death. Ending national independence and liberation of the people and realizing prosperity and prosperity of the country and prosperity of the people became the theme of the times and historical tasks of the Chinese society at that time. Looking back at the course of 80 years, we can see that the main thread running through all the theories and practices is to always represent the requirements for the development of China’s advanced productive forces and unswervingly open up for the liberation and development of the productive forces irrespective of the difficulties and obstacles encountered the way. Mao Zedong pointed out: "The quality and size of the role played by the policies and practices of all political parties in China among the Chinese people are, in the final analysis,