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随着世界经济一体化和经济全球化的到来,市场国际化越来越明显,企业要在国际化的市场中赢得竞争优势,击败竞争者,争取到更多的顾客,光有质量优势和成本优势是远远不够的,还必须应用一些新的营销技巧。从未来市场看,营销的发展方向体现在以下几个方面:注重知识传播,实行知识营销随着知识经济时代的到来,知识成为了发展经济的资本,知识的积累和创新,成为了促进经济增长的主要动力源,因此,作为一个企业,在搞科研开发的同时,就要想到知识的推广,使一项新产品研制成功的市场风险降到最小,而要做到这一点,就必须运用知识营销。比尔·盖茨的“先教电脑,再卖电脑”的做法就是典型的知识营销。他斥资2亿元,成立盖茨图书馆基金会,为全球一些低收入地区图书馆配备最先进的电脑,又捐 With the advent of the world economic integration and economic globalization, the internationalization of the market is becoming more and more obvious. Enterprises must win the competitive advantage in the international market, defeat their competitors, win more customers, and have the advantages of quality and cost Advantages are far from enough, and some new marketing techniques must also be applied. From the perspective of the future market, the direction of marketing development lies in the following aspects: Paying Attention to Knowledge Spreading and Implementing Knowledge Marketing With the advent of knowledge economy, knowledge has become the capital, knowledge accumulation and innovation for economic development, Therefore, as an enterprise, while engaging in scientific research and development, it is necessary to think about the promotion of knowledge so as to minimize the market risk for successful development of a new product. To do this, we must apply knowledge Marketing. Bill Gates’s “teach the computer first, then sell the computer,” the practice is a typical knowledge marketing. He spent 200 million yuan to set up the Gates Library Foundation, some of the world’s low-income area libraries equipped with the most advanced computers, and donated
一、个人收入分配差距 拉大的表现 当前我国个人收入分配差距主要表现在以下几个方面。 (一)从总量上看,我国居民收入分配水平呈现出逐渐拉大的趋势。 国际上,衡量收入差距
将每个人、每件物都汇集起来不是一件小事情,当2008奥运圣火点燃的时候,将一切都准备好,这对北京而言是个极大挑战 Bringing everyone and everything together is not a tr
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经过多番奋战,经过多次“过招”。中国终于走入世贸“长征”的阳光地带。随着我国与美国、与欧盟就中国加入 WTO 相继签署了双边协议,中国“入世”已进入程序性阶段。那么,“