努力减少审批事项 规范审批行为

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几年来,按照国务院的部署,住房城乡建设部积极推进行政审批制度改革,分6批共取消和调整行政审批项目184项。对取消和调整的行政审批,出台了后续监管措施,防止监管缺位或脱节。对保留的行政审批,努力规范审批行为:一是按照行政许可法的要求,向社会公开了设定和实施行政审批的依据、范围、条件和程序,制定了部机关实施行政审批工作规程。二是设立了行政 In recent years, according to the deployment of the State Council, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development has actively promoted the reform of the administrative examination and approval system, and canceled and adjusted 184 administrative examination and approval items in 6 batches. On the cancellation and adjustment of administrative examination and approval, the introduction of follow-up supervision measures to prevent the supervision of the absence or out of line. The reservation of administrative examination and approval, and strive to standardize the examination and approval: First, in accordance with the requirements of the Administrative Permission Act, to the public open set and implement the basis for administrative examination and approval, scope, conditions and procedures, the Ministry of the formulation of administrative procedures for the implementation of administrative examination and approval. The second is the establishment of the administration
近年来,仁寿县委在省委、市委的坚强领导下,始终坚持把强党建、促发展、惠民生作为最大政绩,通过“六强六好”党建工作法,保障县域政治经济社会快速健康发展。  强党建明方向 党管思想引领好  充分发挥党的思想政治优势,始终使党作为推进经济社会发展的核心力量,以坚定的政治定力保障专注的发展定力。一是强化党的政治引领。坚持县委常委会、县委中心组学习(扩大)会专题集中学习习近平总书记系列重要讲话精神制度,高规
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