
来源 :广西农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ztdep
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南丹县地处桂西北高寒山区,杂交中稻大面积制种,平均亩产150公斤以上,最高达300公斤,经验如下: 1.趋利避害、合理安排播期高寒山区杂交水稻制种的制约因素较多,特别受低温(≤23度)时间长、光照时数短、夏季阴雨天气多的制约尤为突出、我县城关地区的气象资料表明,7月旬至8月上旬初的气候条件较符合制种花期的要求。据此,第一期父本于4月6日播种,第二期于4月7日播.根据父本的特性,配合相应的栽培措施;定母本播期在5月22—23日。第一期父本于7月下22日始穗,播种至始穗历期113天(比上年仅长1天),母本于7月23日始穗,父比母本早1天,花期相遇比较理想。 2.插足基本苗数,创造合理的苗穗结构据调查,亩产150公斤以上的田块,母本每亩插2.7—3万蔸,基本苗数17—18万,每亩有效穗达20万左右;父本栽单行,株距20cm,每亩插2千蔸左右。落田基 Nandan County is located in the alpine mountainous area of ​​northwest Guangxi. Large-area hybrid rice cultivation is carried out, with an average yield of over 150 kg per mu and a maximum of 300 kg. The experiences are as follows: 1. Advantages and avoidance and rational arrangement of sowing date In particular, the constraints of many factors, especially by the low temperature (≤ 23 degrees) for a long time, the number of hours of light short summer rainy weather and more constraints are more prominent in our county Chengguan meteorological data show that from July to early August climatic conditions More in line with the requirements of flowering. Accordingly, the first period of sowing was planted on April 6 and the second was sown on April 7. According to the characteristics of the paternal, corresponding cultivation measures were adopted; the sowing date of the fixed mother was May 22-23. The first male parent began spike initiation on the 22nd of July, sown to the beginning of the ear period of 113 days (only one day longer than the previous year), the female parent began on July 23 ear, the parent one day earlier than the mother, Flowering meet more ideal. According to the survey, more than 150 kilograms per mu of plots, the mother of 2.7-3 million per acre inserted, the basic number of seedlings 180,000 to 180,000, the effective spike of 20 acres per acre Million or so; paternity planted line, spacing 20cm, inserted per acre 2 thousand 蔸 or so. Rota base
本文采用水中溶出、培养试验和田间试验相结合的方法,对三种包膜肥的缓释效果、膜材降解性能、对土壤环境的影响和田间实际的施用效果进行综合评价。   结果表明:   三
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