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车险费率市场化以来,产险公司陆续推出个性化的车险险种。有的公司采用某些手段,制造市场陷阱,造成纠纷不断。陷阱一:强行搭售险种。在目前的车险种类中,“第三者责任险”是车主必须要买的,车损险和防盗险等险种都是可供选择的,并非必须购买,然而,这些车险并 Since the auto insurance rate marketization, property and casualty insurance companies have introduced personalized auto insurance. Some companies use some means to create market pitfalls and create constant disputes. Trap one: forcibly tying insurance. In the current types of auto insurance, “third party liability insurance” is the owner must buy, car damage insurance and anti-theft insurance are optional, not necessarily to buy, however, these auto insurance and