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在药物研发领域,野生动物的毒液正被广泛研究,许多基于毒液组分的研究以生物技术应用和专利申请形式被报道。巴西拥有丰富的生物多样性,公布的科研论文和专利申请数量显示了该资源是多么重要。本文报道了一份研究最透彻的巴西有毒动物物种清单及从2000年到2013年的专利申请情况,包括源自巴西有毒物种的毒液成份、毒素及其衍生物。分析了涉及物种的数据、产品类型与发明者的国籍。55个专利申请涉及8个种属,响尾蛇、南美巨蝮蛇、矛头蝮蛇、斜蛛占其中78%。其余22%的专利来自巴西游走蛛、巴西金幽灵蝎、巴西捕鸟蛛、叶水蛙的毒液研究。大多数的发明(42%)包括抗癌、免疫调节剂或抗菌的药物,13%的发明为抗毒血清和疫苗,11%为降压成分,9%为镇痛及抗炎成分,其它25%为一些技术和试剂盒。巴西发明家占专利申请比重的49%,而其它国家如美国、德国、俄罗斯和法国同样发表了巴西动物毒液、毒素或衍生物的专利。虽然巴西拥有着大多数有毒物种的专利,但这些专利主要属于其学校和研究机构,药物工业在这方面依然薄弱。迄今为止,在世界范围内,已将巴西的有毒物种运用于药物研发,但大多数的物种可否作为研发的重要工具,仍然需要作进一步的勘探。 In the field of drug development, wildlife venom is being extensively studied and many venom-based studies have been reported in biotechnological applications and patent applications. Brazil is rich in biodiversity and the number of published research papers and patent applications shows how important this resource is. This article reports on the most thorough study of the list of species of poisonous animals in Brazil and the number of patent applications from 2000 to 2013, including venom constituents, toxins and their derivatives originating from Brazil’s toxic species. The data on the species involved, the type of product and the nationality of the inventor were analyzed. 55 patent applications involving 8 species, rattlesnake, South American giant viper, spearhead viper, oblique spider accounted for 78% of them. The remaining 22% of the patent from Brazil walking spider, Brazil ghost scorpion, Brazilian spiders, leaf water frog poison venom research. Most inventions (42%) include anticancer, immunomodulatory or antibacterial drugs, 13% inventions for antitoxic sera and vaccines, 11% for antihypertensive agents, 9% analgesic and anti-inflammatory and 25% % For some technologies and kits. Brazilian inventors accounted for 49% of patent applications, while other countries such as the United States, Germany, Russia and France also published patents on Brazilian animal venom, toxins or derivatives. Although Brazil owns most of the toxic species patents, these patents are largely owned by its schools and research institutes and the pharmaceutical industry is still weak in this regard. So far, poisonous species in Brazil have been applied to drug development around the world, but whether most species can be used as an important research and development tool still requires further exploration.
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