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长征是共产党人追求真理之旅,是为劳苦大众谋解放、谋幸福树起的一座不朽的丰碑。——题记长征已经过去70年了,但在我的记忆中,一切就像昨 The Long March is a communist journey of pursuing the truth and an immortal monument built for the working people to seek liberation and seek happiness. - Inscription long march 70 years have passed, but in my memory, everything is like yesterday
With the increasing popularity of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) worldwide, the quality and safety issues of Chinese herbal medicines (CHM) have been attach
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CPU是微机的“心脏”,其性能的好坏直接决定了整个系统的性能。因此在组装计算机的过程中选购性能适宜、质量可靠的CPU是非常重要的。 目前市场上可以看到的CPU品牌主要有三
Four kinds of lanthanide ions(Sm3 +,Yb 3+,Eu 3+,La 3+)as an additive were added into the aqueous solution containing methanol,respectively,and their effects on
Purpose:To investigate the effects of topical prazosin and pilocarpine on uveoscleral outflow(Fu) in rabbits.Methods:Sixteen rabbits were randomly divided into
PCI显示卡,从2D到3D,显示卡便不断针对更高的需求做出改进。显示芯片中由S3 Ttrio64V+、Tritent9xxx、ET4000到时下流行的S3 ViRGE、ET6000、MGA(1064、1164)、3Dfx Voodoo
十字花科黑腐病菌(Xanthomonas campestris pv.campestris,Xcc)8004菌株基因组中XC_3023注释为Hrp W蛋白基因。本研究利用生物信息学和分子生物学技术,对hrp W基因进行功能鉴