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9月27日,2014年广西社会保险基金预决算编制工作培训班在南宁举行,自治区人力资源和社会保障厅党组副书记、巡视员、副厅长沈德海出席会议并讲话。培训会上,沈德海副厅长总结了2013年全区社会保险基金预决算编制工作的经验,讲解了社会保险基金各险种相关政策及工作中存在的问题,部署了2014年全区社会保险基金预决算编制工作。会议对取得优异成绩的先进单位给予表彰。 On September 27, 2014, a training course on the preparation of Guangxi social insurance fund budget for final accounts was held in Nanning. Shen Dehai, deputy party secretary, inspector and deputy director of the Human Resources and Social Security Department of the autonomous region, attended the meeting and made a speech. At the training session, Deputy Director Shen Dehai summarized the experience of preparation of the final accounts of the social insurance funds in 2013 and explained the problems in the policies and work of the various types of social insurance funds. In 2014, the preparatory work of the regional social insurance funds Final accounts preparation. The conference commended advanced units for their outstanding achievements.
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