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目的调查分析当前影响广州市麻疹发病及流行的相关因素,为麻疹的防制提供新的依据。方法利用广州市制定的《疑似麻疹病例个案补充调查表》对2007年3~9月广州市12个区(县级市)1 562例麻疹病例个案调查资料进行分析,重点通过对其病例前3周的相关情况进行调查询问,包括临床表现、近期免疫情况、免疫空白漏种原因、接触史、发病前去医院就诊情况、本地居住时间等,深入探讨影响广州市麻诊发病的主要因素。结果并发症的出现与否与发热的程度没有明显关系(χ2=5.175 4,P>0.05);约4.93%(77/1 562)的病例在麻疹发病的一个最长潜伏期内(病前3周内)曾接种过麻疹相关的疫苗,其中接种麻疹单苗病例占47.40%;分析免疫空白病例漏种的主要原因前几位依次为:因病不能接种(42%)、不知道需要接种(24.8%)等;约8.64%(13/1 562)的病例病前3周曾与麻疹病人有过接触,有30.47%(476/1 562)的病例病前3周曾去医院就诊,48.78%(762/1 562)的病例病前3周曾乘坐不同的交通工具外出;173例3周内迁来广州的病例中,来广州后1周内发病的占72.25%(125/173),其中2例来穗途中即发病。结论麻疹疫苗的接种与麻疹发病的关系是今后研究的一个方向;因各种原因漏种麻疹疫苗、曾与麻疹病例接触、暴露于医院感染的机会、外出及流动人口进入均是麻疹发病的重要的影响因素,也是今后麻疹控制的重点。 Objective To investigate and analyze the current influencing factors of the incidence and epidemic situation of measles in Guangzhou and to provide a new basis for the prevention and control of measles. Methods A case-control survey of 1 562 cases of measles in 12 districts (prefecture-level cities) in Guangzhou from March to September 2007 was conducted using the Supplementary Questionnaire on Cases of Suspected Measles Weeks of the relevant circumstances to investigate and ask, including clinical manifestations, recent immunization, immune leakage causes, contact history, to the hospital before going to the hospital for treatment, local time of residence, in-depth discussion of the main factors that affect the incidence of Guangzhou Ma. Results There was no significant correlation between the incidence of complications and the degree of fever (χ2 = 5.175 4, P> 0.05); about 4.93% (77/1 562) of cases were observed within one of the longest incubation periods ) Were vaccinated against measles, which vaccinated seedlings accounted for 47.40%; the main reason for the analysis of immune blank cases missed the first few were: due to illness can not be vaccinated (42%), do not know need to vaccinate (24.8 %). About 8.64% (13/1 562) of the cases had contact with measles patients 3 weeks before the illness, 30.47% (476/1 562) had visited the hospital 3 weeks before the illness, 48.78% ( 762/1 562) had been disembarked from different modes of transport three weeks before their illness. Of the 173 patients who moved to Guangzhou within three weeks, 72.25% (125/173) of them came to Guangzhou within one week, of which 2 Example to the ear pathogenic disease. Conclusions The relationship between measles vaccination and the incidence of measles is one of the directions for future research. Due to various reasons, measles vaccination has been missed, exposure to measles cases, exposure to nosocomial infections, outings and floating population are important for measles onset The influencing factors, but also the focus of measles control in the future.
1临床资料rn患儿,男性,7岁,马里共和国马尔格拉市人.因恐风、恐水、失语、发热伴烦躁不安4 d入院.患儿频繁呕吐、流涎、头痛、极度兴奋、定向力差;嗜啃咬及奔跑,躁动有时呈间
肝性脑病(Hepatic Encephalopathy,HE)是急、慢性严重肝功能失调或障碍,使内源性或外源性产物未经肝脏的生物转化或首次通过作用代谢清除,以致在体内储积,影响中枢神经系统功