Addition of ulinastatin to preservation solution promotes protection against ischemia-reperfusion in

来源 :中华医学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:enjoy_flying12
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Background The composition of the lung preservation solution used in lung graft procurement has been considered the key to minimize lung injury during the period of ischemia. Low-potassium dextran glucose (LPDG), an extracellular-type solution, has been adopted by most lung transplantation centers, due to the experimental and clinical evidences that LPDG is superior to intracellular-type solutions. Ulinastatin has been shown to attenuate ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury in various organs in animals. We supposed that the addition of ulinastatin to LPDG as a flushing solution, would further ameliorate I/R lung injury than LPDG solution alone.Methods Twelve male New Zealand white rabbits were randomly divided into 2 groups. Using an altative in situ lung I/R model, the left lung in the control group was supplied and preserved with LPDG solution for 120 minutes. In the study group 50 000 U/kg of ulinastatin was added to the LPDG solution for lung preservation. Then re-ventilation and reperfusion of the left lung were performed for 90 minutes. Blood gas analysis (PaO2, PaCO2), mean pulmonary artery pressure (MPAP) and serum TNF-α level were measured intermittently. The pulmonary water index (D/W), tissue myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity, tissue malondialdehyde (MDA) content and morphologic changes were analyzed.Results The study group showed significantly higher PaO2 and lower MPAP at the end of reperfusion. Serum TNF-α level, left lung tissue MPO and MDA in the study group were significantly lower than those in the control group. D/W and pathologic evaluation were also remarkably different between the two groups.Conclusions This study indicated that better lung preservation could be achieved with the use of an ulinastatin modified LPDG solution. Ulinastatin further attenuated lung I/R injury, at least partly by reducing oxidative reactions,inhibiting the release of inflammatory factors and neutrophils immigration.
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目的 通过对健康成年男性志愿者的骶髂后长韧带(LPSL)进行磁共振成像(MRI)检查,探讨其显示LPSL较好的扫描断面及其正常MRI表现,以期对LPSL损伤的影像学评价提供帮助.方法 选取25名健康男性志愿者,年龄为25~30岁,平均27.0岁;体质量为56 ~83 kg,平均66.2 kg;身高为167 ~181 cm,平均173.2 cm;体质量指数为19.1 ~25.9 kg/m2,平均22