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以两优培九和武香粳14号水稻品种为材料,在不同栽插密度和施氮水平下进行2年田间试验,研究水稻冠层光合有效辐射(PAR)截获率、光能利用率与水稻产量的关系.结果表明:分蘖期至成熟期,各处理水稻冠层平均PAR反射率为3.45%,其中,分蘖期至抽穗期的冠层反射PAR占冠层总PAR损失的10.90%,显著小于抽穗期至成熟期的22.06%.分蘖期至成熟期的冠层PAR转化率随栽插密度的增加而减少,随施氮量的增加而增大;分蘖期至抽穗期的冠层PAR转化率高于抽穗期至成熟期.在分蘖期至成熟期,冠层PAR利用率随栽插密度和施氮量的增加而增大,各处理中两优培九的平均PAR利用率(1.83g.MJ-1)显著高于武香粳14(1.42g.MJ-1);武香粳14因生育期较长,分蘖期至成熟期的入射PAR及中、高栽插密度处理的PAR截获量均高于两优培九.水稻不同生长阶段冠层PAR截获率和利用率与产量呈显著正相关,PAR转化率与产量也呈正相关,但相关性不显著.因此,在保持较高PAR截获率的基础上提高冠层PAR转化率,进而提高冠层PAR利用率,有利于水稻高产. Two-year field experiments were conducted at different planting density and nitrogen application rate in rice varieties Liangyoupeijiu and Wuxiangjing 14 to study the effects of interception rate of PAR, utilization ratio of light energy and rice yield The results showed that the average PAR reflectivity was 3.45% at tillering stage to mature stage, and the canopy PAR at tillering stage to heading stage was 10.90% of the total canopy PAR loss, significantly lower than that at heading stage 22.06% of mature stage.The canopy PAR conversion from tillering stage to mature stage decreased with the increase of planting density, and increased with the increase of nitrogen application rate.The canopy PAR conversion from tillering stage to heading stage was higher than that of heading stage From tillering stage to maturing stage.The utilization rate of canopy PAR increased with the increase of planting density and nitrogen application rate.The average PAR utilization rate (1.83g.MJ-1) of Liangyou Peijiu in each treatment was significantly higher than that of Wu PAR of Xiangjing 14 (1.42g.MJ-1) and PAR of Wuxiangjing 14 were higher than that of Liangyoupeijiu at PAR in tillering stage to mature stage and medium and high transplanting density There was a significant positive correlation between the PAR interception rate and utilization of stage PAR and the yield of PAR Volume also positively correlated, but the correlation was not significant. Therefore, improving the conversion rate PAR canopy PAR interception while maintaining a high rate, thereby increasing a canopy PAR utilization, in favor of high-yielding rice.
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