
来源 :铁道工程企业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:britney0
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市场经济的深入发展,建筑领域竞争日益加剧,内部队伍结构加速变化,经营规模不断扩张,企业改革发展面临着许多新情况、新问题。从容应对新变化、破解新课题,确保国企在市场竞争中立于不败之地,关键在人,关键在班子。中铁16局集团党委审时度势,运筹帷幄,用科学发展观与和谐共赢的经营新理念统一各级班子的思想和行动,提出了与市场接轨的加强领导班子建设总体思路与目标、工作切入点和具体措施,进一步明确了领导班子建设的努力方向和具体任务,全体员工为之振奋、深受鼓舞,充满了高昂的工作激情。 The deepening development of the market economy, the increasingly intensified competition in the construction field, the accelerated changes in the structure of the internal ranks, the continuous expansion of the scale of operation, and the reform and development of enterprises are facing many new situations and new problems. Calmly deal with new changes, break new topics, ensure that state-owned enterprises in an invincible position in the market competition, the key is in the people, the key in the team. The CPC Committee of China Railway 16 Bureau Group reviewed the current situation and strategized, unified the ideas and actions of all levels of management with the new concept of scientific development and harmonious win-win operation, and put forward the overall train of thought and objectives for strengthening the leading group construction in line with the market. Measures to further clarify the direction and specific tasks of the leadership team building, all the staff was inspired, encouraged, full of high work passion.
经历了30多年经济的快速发展,市场一直处于饥饿状态,企业的任务一直是扩产能、打概念,现在是让大家静下来、慢下来、专注下来的时候了。  汉哲管理咨询(北京)股份有限公司总经理,战略专家  对于中国的传统企业来说,已经错过了现代化大生产的第一班快车。以制鞋业为例,极盛时,位于广东东莞的华坚鞋业曾经拥有3万名员工,生产近千个品类的产品。在华坚周围10公里内,万人以上的鞋厂还有多家,千人左右的则有近百家,
同志们: 这次全国铁路建设工作会议,是铁路建设系统贯彻党的十六大和中央经济工作会议精神,全面落实全国铁路工作会议部署的一次重要会议。主要任务是总结跨世纪铁路建设五
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1999年11月29日西安科研所生产的“FHJ_(XTK)分段绝缘器”、“FXH_(XTK)分相绝缘器”、“FHS_(XTK)消弧分段绝缘器”通过了郑州铁路局组织的产品投产鉴定。 FHJ_(XTK)分段绝
针对DF_4A、B型机车振动大的问题,分析了其主要原因,提出了相应的解决措施。以确保中修机车的质量。 In view of the large vibration of DF4A and B locomotives, the main
本文对如何将停电、带电检调拉出值改为间接带电检调拉出值作了探讨。介绍了可调节定位装置的结构、安装形式和用以调整拉出值的方法。 In this paper, how to black out, c