I Like Swimming

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  Hi, I am Jerry.
  I like sports.
  I like swimming best.
  It is very cool and interesting.
  I often swim in the swimming pool.
  Swimming is good for our health.
Five little monkeys put on their pajamas.  It was bedtime. So five little monkeys took a bath.  Five little monkeys brushed their teeth.  Five little monkeys said good night to their mama.  Then ... f
How do you spend your winter vacation? If you feel bored in cold weather, follow me and I’ll show you a warm place.  Look at the map, there is a small island quite near Madagascar(马达加斯加岛) in the India
万圣节是西方国家的传统节日,每年10月31日的夜晚被称为万圣夜。这是一年中最“闹鬼”的一夜,所以也叫“鬼节”,而如今,万圣夜成为了小朋友们最爱的“热闹夜”。  Listening Part  Ⅰ. Listen and number. 捣乱的孩子们把下面的图片弄乱了,听录音,给下列图片排序。  Ⅱ. Listen and judge.  Writing Part  Ⅲ. Look and matc
Close your eyes, open your heart,  It is almost time to fly.  Believe in yourself,  And you ll fly very high.  Open your wings,  spread them out.  This is what flying is all about.
学 名:Camel  种 属:Camelidae(骆驼科)  身 高:about 1.85 meters  体 重:about 500 kilos  居住地:the desert(沙漠)  食 谱:grasses and shrubs(灌木)  Camel is the only animal that can carry people across the desert.  骆驼是唯一能带人穿越
冬天到了,天好冷呀!人们穿上厚厚的衣服,打开了室内的取暖设备。如果还感觉冷,我们可以通过运动的方式抵御寒冷。可是,动物们该如何度过寒冷的冬天呢?Let’s read the story.  Winter comes. How cold!  People wear(穿着) thick(厚厚的) clothes.  And they put on(穿上) warm caps.  It is snowi
在美丽的森林,有这样一个动人的故事: 一场大火烧出了美丽的“花纹”,美丽的“花纹”见证了深厚的友谊。友谊是阳光,温暖小动物们的世界;友谊是雨露,滋润小伙伴们的心田。让我们乘着友谊的列车,走进这个温暖的童话故事……  Bird: Snake, what a beautiful pattern on your skin!  Snake: Thank you! But it’s not natural.
My favorite sport is climbing.  I’m good at climbing.  I often climb mountains with my family.  I think it’s good for our health.  And it’s a lot of fun.  Let’s go climbing!
巴斯特·穆恩(Buster Moon)是一只可爱的考拉,他从小怀揣音乐梦(dream),在父亲的资助下,惨淡经营着一家剧院(theatre)。Buster决定举办一场歌唱比赛(a singing contest),热爱唱歌的动物们(animals)纷纷报名参加,都想一展歌喉。伴随着singing contest 的紧张筹备,一场场闹剧相继发生,theatre成了一堆废墟,然而永不言弃的动物们自发组
I’m a little fat girl.  I like sports.  I’m good at skipping.  I can skip more than 100 in a minute.  I like swimming, too.  I can swim fast like a fish.  I’m proud of myself!