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磨削高速钢齿轮刀具的前面或侧面时,常产生整个刀齿沿齿根断裂的废品,工具行业间称之为磨掉齿。磨掉齿废品率通常为1~2%,偶尔竟高达20~50%,规格遍及m2~m16的范围内。磨削高速钢齿轮刀具的前面或侧面时,常产生整个刀齿沿齿根断裂的废品,工具行业间称之为磨掉齿。磨掉齿废品率通常为1~2%,偶尔竟高达20~50%,规格遍及m2~m16的范围内。研究磨掉齿的原因的时间已很久,一般是用传统的方法对断裂问题进行分析,由于未抓住裂纹扩展这个关键,而未获得肯定的结论。本文试以断口分析为依据,借助磨削震动的研究成果,并用断裂力学解释磨掉齿的原因,以期对研究磨掉齿的工作有所补益。磨削高速钢蜗轮滚刀、整体齿轮滚刀、镶齿齿轮滚刀、锥柄插齿刀和盘形插齿刀的前面和侧面时,常产生整个刀齿沿齿根断裂(图1)的废品,工具行业称之为磨掉齿。磨掉齿不仅在制造刀具的过程中,而且也在使用或修磨时“突然”产生,其废品率通常为1%2%,偶尔竟高达20~50%,规格遍及m2—m16的范围内。研究磨掉齿的原因的时间已很久,一般是用传统的方法对断裂进行分析,认为炭化物堆集、回火不足、内应力、氢脆或铣齿等分性差等是产生磨掉齿的原因,但由于这些结论没有抓住裂纹扩展这个关键,而未能在生产实践中得到证实。国外对这一问题也很重视,日本管原一人虽认为:磨掉齿是由一种磨削裂纹引起的;但由于其结论忽略了热处理前表面缺陷对断裂的影响以及未充分解释磨削振动的作用,故还不能完善地解释掉齿现象。因而磨掉齿至今仍然成为生产齿轮刀具中的一个难题。本文试以断口分析为依据,借助磨削振动理论,用断裂力学解释磨掉齿的原因。这项工作曾受到一机部工具研究所的重视,并得到冶金部金属研究所以及太原钢铁公司钢铁研究所的热情支持和指导。 Grinding high-speed steel gear cutting tools in front of or on the side, often produce the entire tooth along the root fracture rupture, tools industry called grinding teeth. The rate of worn out tooth is usually 1 ~ 2%, and occasionally as high as 20 ~ 50%, specifications within the range of m2 ~ m16. Grinding high-speed steel gear cutting tools in front of or on the side, often produce the entire tooth along the root fracture rupture, tools industry called grinding teeth. The rate of worn out tooth is usually 1 ~ 2%, and occasionally as high as 20 ~ 50%, specifications within the range of m2 ~ m16. It has been a long time to study the causes of grinding off the teeth. It is common to analyze the fracture problem by the traditional method. However, the key to crack propagation is not obtained, and no definite conclusion has been reached. Based on the fracture analysis, this dissertation tries to explain the reasons for the worn-out tooth with the help of the research results of grinding vibration, and hopes to study the effect of grinding the tooth. When grinding the front and side faces of high speed steel worm gear hobs, integral gear hobs, hob gear hobs, taper shank gear hobs, and disc shaper cutters, the entire cutter tooth (Fig. 1) Waste, tool industry called grinding teeth. Grinding the teeth is not only “sudden” during the manufacture of the tool, but also during use or grinding, and the reject rate is usually 1% 2% and occasionally as high as 20% to 50%, with specifications in the range of m2-m16 . The reason for grinding teeth has been studied for a long time. Generally, fracture analysis is conducted by the traditional method. It is believed that the reason for worn-out teeth is that the carbide deposits, insufficient tempering, internal stress, hydrogen embrittlement, However, these conclusions failed to grasp the key issue of crack growth and failed to be confirmed in production practice. Foreign countries also attach great importance to this issue, although the original tube of Japan thinks: the grinding tooth is caused by a kind of grinding crack; but because of its conclusion, it neglects the influence of the surface defect before heat treatment on fracture and does not fully explain the grinding vibration The role, it still can not properly explain the phenomenon of tooth loss. Thus, grinding the tooth is still a problem in the production of gear cutting tools. Based on the fracture analysis, this paper uses the theory of grinding vibration to explain the reason of worn-out tooth with fracture mechanics. This work has been the focus of a machine tool Institute, and Metallurgical Institute of Metals and Taiyuan Iron and Steel Institute Iron and Steel Institute of enthusiastic support and guidance.