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兴冲冲在人生路上走,走过了桃李芳菲的春天,走过了梅子青青的夏季,浑然不觉间,就迈进了枫红柏翠的深秋。四十岁的女人呢?揽镜自照,昔日光滑的额头已见依稀纹路,浓密的黑发也全没了光泽。哦,时光流逝太快,还没有很好地一览风光,怎么就已入了秋境呢?便觉有三分怅惘,三分无奈。然而,思之又觉释然。春光妖媚多姿自然是好,夏季明朗热烈,也让人留恋;可秋天又有什么可伤感的呢?秋天不是成熟的季节吗?秋天的花红得热烈凝重,秋天的叶绿得深沉端庄。有谁不赞叹深秋时节如火焰、如旗帜,把万山红遍,层林尽染的霜后红枫,比二月春花更撼人心魄呢? 四十岁,也应该是女人一生中的第二 He walked on the road of life and walked through the spring of Peach and Li Fangfei. He walked through the green summer plum blossoms, and when he suddenly felt it, he stepped into the late autumn of Feng Hong Bai Cui. Forty-year-old woman? From the mirror, according to the past, the smooth forehead has seen thin lines, thick black hair has no gloss. Oh, the time has passed so fast that it hasn’t seen the scenery very well. How could you have entered the fall? However, thinking is relieved. The spring is full of seductive and natural beauty. It is bright and lively in the summer, and it also makes people feel nostalgia. What can be sad about autumn? Autumn is not a mature season. The autumn is hot and dignified, and the autumn leaves are dark and dignified. Who does not admire the late autumn season, such as the flames, as the banner, the popularity of the mountains, and the red maple of the forest that has been dyed by the layers of forests, is more engrossing than the February flowers? Forty years old should also be the second in a woman’s life.
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