Phytochemical screening and in vitro bioactivities of the extracts of aerial part of Boerhavia diffu

来源 :Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cnfjwbx
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Objective:To investigate the bioactivities of crude n-hexane,ethyl acetate and methanol extracts of aerial part of Boerhavia diffusa Linn.(B.diffusa) and its phytochemical analysis.Methods: the identification of phyloconstituents and assay of antioxidant,thrombolytic,cytotoxic, antimicrobial activities were conducted using specific standard in vitro procedures.Results:The results showed that the plant extracts were a rich source of phytoconstituents.Methanol extract showed higher antioxidant,thrombolytic activity and less cytotoxic activity than those of n-hexane and ethyl acetate extracts of A diffusa.Among the bioactivities,antioxidant activity was the most notable compared to the positive control and thus could be a potential rich source of natural antioxidant.In case of antimicrobial screening,crude extracts of the plant showed remarkable antibacterial activity against tested microorganisms.All the extracts showed significant inhibitory activity against Candida albicuns,at a concentration of 1000 μg/disc.Conclusions:The present findings suggest that,the plant widely available in Bangladesh,could be a prominent source of medicinally important natural compounds. Objective: To investigate the bioactivities of crude n-hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol extracts of aerial part of Boerhavia diffusa Linn. (B. diffusa) and its phytochemical analysis. Methods: the identification of phyloconstituents and assay of antioxid, thrombolytic, cytotoxic, antimicrobial activities were conducted using specific standard in vitro procedures. Results: The results showed that the plant extracts were a rich source of phytoconstituents. Methanol extract showed higher antioxidant, thrombolytic activity and less cytotoxic activity than those of n-hexane and ethyl acetate extracts of A diffusa.Among the bioactivities, antioxidant activity was the most notable compared to the positive control and therefore could be a potential rich source of natural antioxid. In case of antimicrobial screening, crude extracts of the plant showed remarkable antibacterial activity against tested microorganisms. the elect said illustrative significant inhibitory activity against Candida albicuns, at a concen tration of 1000 μg / disc. Conclusions: The present findings suggest that, the plant widely available in Bangladesh, could be a prominent source of medicinally important natural compounds.
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[目的]建立高效液相色谱测定补血宁神颗粒大黄素方法。[方法]采用HypersiL ODS(250×4.6mm,5μm)色谱柱。[结果]流动相为甲醇-0.5%磷酸(75:25),检测波长250nm。[结论]高效液
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