Reform of China's Food Security Policies:Central Government Decentralizing Autonomous Managemen

来源 :Asian Agricultural Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mhpymhpy
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Guaranteeing the food security is a fundamental state policy of China. Food security needs overall planning of central government,economic benefit allocation of local government,and increase of grain farmers’ income. Through analysis on current situations and causes of China’s food security,and comparative study on purposes and functions of foreign and domestic grain reserves,it came up with recommendations that central government should decentralize rights of grain production,reserve,sales,and management to grain producing areas and major sales provinces. It is not appropriate for central enterprises to take charge of national food security reserves. And it is required to make a new round of reform in autonomous management right of major grain producing areas and the capacity of the state purchasing social grain reserves. Guaranteeing the food security is a fundamental state policy of China. Food security needs overall planning of central government, economic benefit allocation of local government, and increase of grain farmers’ income. Through analysis on current situations and causes of China’s food security, and comparative study on purposes and functions of foreign and domestic grain reserves, it came up with recommendations that central government should decentralize rights of grain production, reserve, sales, and management to grain producing areas and major sales provinces take charge of national food security reserves. And it is required to make a new round of reform in autonomous management right of major grain producing areas and the capacity of the state purchasing social grain reserves.
在普通人的印象中,83岁的老人已是行动迟缓、老态龙钟,要么颐养天年,要么缠绵病床。然而,却有这样一位83岁的农民,为了锻炼身体,甘当小学生,拜师学起 In the ordinary peopl
输就输了,踢不好也怨不得脚,治脚臭本不是江湖游医力所能及的事儿。他所做的只能是焚烧掉那批 Lose lose, kick bad also resentment feet, foot odor treatment is not a m
南宋文学家洪迈曾在其笔记《容斋随笔》中写到:“忽闻河东狮子吼,拄杖落手心茫然。”而在遥远的非洲,在邦尼湾的东边也有一头狮子,它就是被人们称作“Lions Indomptables(雄