优秀的汽车摄影作品往往并非一次拍摄而成。复杂背景环境、光影效果、车身不同位置的光线等通常会用固定机位分开拍摄再通过后期合成为一幅完整的作品。脚架的稳定性在此便显得十分关键,而金钟PRO GEO V640碳素三脚架不管从细节设计还是稳定性上都尤为突出。全新V锁紧系统我分别拍摄了高感光度曝光的星空和射电望远镜、小光圈长曝光光绘的车身以及大光圈长曝光的尾迹拖影来合成最终呈现的画面。由于全新的金钟PRO GEO V640采用了V锁紧系统结构,开脚旋钮不仅外形小巧、触感舒适,长度还比以往型号短25%,重量轻40%,
Outstanding automotive photography is often not a shot. Complex background environment, light and shadow effects, body parts of the light and other locations are usually fixed positions separately and then later synthesized into a complete piece. Tripod stability in this is very crucial, and the Admiralty GE GE V640 carbon tripod regardless of the details of the design or stability are particularly prominent. The new V-Lock system I have taken the high-sensitivity exposure of the sky and radio telescopes, small aperture long exposure light painted body and a large aperture long exposure tail smear to synthesize the final rendered image. Due to the new Admiralty PRO GEO V640 V-Lock system structure, open-foot knob not only compact, comfortable feel, the length of the model is still 25% shorter than the previous model, light weight 40%