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灵是一种光能,它是生命的本源。从古至今生命体是以光的能量形式进入生命载体的。灵是生灵体能量的显现,生灵都是无量光,万物都有灵。灵气无所不在地存在于宇宙不同的层次空间,有生命与无生命的物质都可以碰到灵的传递。灵还会相应适应一些宇宙星座、天地大的磁场变化,同时也直接影响改变人类的体质与思想意识。灵性的光一部分是人自性当中本来具有的叫先天灵光,另外还有外界所给予的或者自身灵光与外界灵光相互碰撞产生出新的灵光。有时灵性的触发飞快如同电光一闪瞬间完成。还有一种特殊少见的就是宇宙中某些隐形的生灵中带有灵光附着在载体上的显现。 Spirit is a light energy, it is the origin of life. From ancient times to the present life is the form of light energy into the life carrier. Spirit is the manifestation of the body’s energy, the life is immeasurable light, all things are spiritual. Reiki exists ubiquitously in different levels of space in the universe, life and inanimate material can touch the spirit of the transmission. The spirit will adapt to some of the constellations of the universe, the magnetic field changes in the world, but also directly affect the change of human physique and ideology. Part of the spiritual light is inherent in human self-nature is called the inherent aura, in addition there are given by the outside world or their own spiritual light and the external aura collide to produce a new Emmanuel. Sometimes the trigger of spirituality is like flashing instantaneously. There is also a special rare is that some of the invisible creatures in the universe with the appearance of a spiritual light attached to the carrier.
初春的天气寒风料峭,但在泰发集团的生产车间里,记者看到的却是热火朝天的生产场面,青岛泰发集团董事长兼总经理冯学楼和记者谈起了泰发的“御寒”之道…… However, in the
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