Influence of Network Media on Literature Communication and Communication Ways

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Network media is prominent in literature communication and plays a very great influence on the origin,development and communication of literature. That is,it exerts a negative effect when it promotes literature to prosperously develop. In the literature communication practices with the aid of network media,therefore,it is necessary to focus on the creation of high-quality literary works and the application of new elements,orient at the blending of Chinese and western cultures in the communication,and also strengthen the monitoring of the communication. Thus,the literature communication is realized in the age of netw ork media. Network is is in literature communication and plays a very great influence on the origin, development and communication of literature. That is, it exerts a negative effect when it promotes literature to prosperously develop. In the literature communication practices with the aid of network media , therefore, it is necessary to focus on the creation of high-quality literary works and the application of new elements, orient at the blending of Chinese and western cultures in the communication, and also strengthen the monitoring of the communication. Thus, the literature communication is realized in the age of netw ork media.
近日,中国国家主席习近平结束了他的中亚之行,乘坐中国国际航空公司(简称国航)的“国航六号”返回北京。在此次国事访问中,习近平主席邀请哈萨克斯坦总统纳扎尔巴耶夫与他同乘专机,共同移师哈经济文化中心阿拉木图。在专机上,习近平与扎尔巴耶夫共进丰盛的中国式早餐。  美国总统专机“空军一号”,代表着美国强大的国家实力,其机队所到之处,都成为当地媒体的焦点。长期以来,中国领导人的专机却很少有人提及。习近平在专