
来源 :农村电工 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:l1otus
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如何降低农村电价,切实减轻农民负担,一直是农电行业的热点、焦点和难点。而经过整顿后,如何把合理电价巩固下来不使回潮,则是焦点中之焦点,难点中之难点矣! 笔者是战斗在农电前沿阵地上的一名小兵,参加了历次电价整顿工作,饱尝了农村电价反复整顿又反复回潮的几多感慨、几多忧思。当前,农村电价整顿工作又开始了,受责任心的驱使,本人不避人微言轻之嫌,斗胆向上级主管部门提出以往工作中的失当和弊端,谈谈自已对整顿电价防止回潮问题的所见、所闻、所思,期望对今后的工作有点滴补益。 一 农村电价问题涉及面极广,它牵涉到各台区的设备和运行状况,管理人员的素质和业务水平,也触及到乡村干部和广大农民用户。在管理方面,导致电价偏高的主要因素是“五电”(即权力电,人情电,关系电,偷电和漏电),由“五电”必然导致“三乱”(乱摊派、乱加价、乱收费)。这些都是本行业的老生常谈、勿须赘述了。 影响农村电价的另一重要因素是设备和技术方面的问题。辟如七十年代和八十年代初建立的台区,有些台区负荷偏居一方,线路蜿蜒数公里。最严重的台区线路损耗突破了百分之四十。在用电高峰期,电动机不能转,电视机不能看,日光灯难启动,灯泡里面象红线。而 How to reduce rural electricity prices and effectively reduce the burden on peasants has always been a hot spot, focus and difficulty in the rural electricity industry. After the rectification, how to consolidate the reasonable price of electricity will not cause a resurgence, it is the focus of the focus, the difficulty in the difficulty! The writer is a soldier who fought on the front position of the agricultural power station and participated in the previous price adjustment work. He experienced a lot of emotion and a few worries about the repeated rectification of rural electricity prices. At present, the rural electricity tariff rectification work has begun again. Driven by the sense of responsibility, I personally try not to avoid people’s suspicions, and I dared to raise the misconduct and malpractice of my previous work and talk about my views on rectifying the electricity price to prevent a resurgence. What is heard and thought is expected to make a little contribution to the work in the future. 1. The issue of rural electricity prices involves a very wide range of issues. It involves the equipment and operation of the various districts. The quality and level of management personnel also reach rural cadres and farmers. In terms of management, the main factor leading to high electricity prices is “five powers” ​​(ie, power, human power, connected power, power theft, and leakage), and “five powers” ​​will inevitably lead to “three chaos” (distribution and chaos. And arbitrary charges). These are all commonplace in the industry and it is unnecessary to go into details. Another important factor affecting rural electricity prices is equipment and technology issues. For example, in Taiwan, which was established in the 1970s and early 1980s, some of Taiwan’s districts faced a heavy load and the number of kilometers of lines was a few kilometers. The worst line loss in the Taiwan area exceeded 40%. In the peak period of electricity consumption, the motor cannot be switched, the television cannot be seen, the fluorescent lamp is difficult to start, and the light bulb inside is like a red line. and
据悉,目前我国锦纶帘子布市场的产需状况是,大胎布供求平衡、小胎布供大于求。而我国大胎布生产能力却在不断扩大,这必将导致大胎布供应过剩的局面。 当前我国锦纶帘子布行
青月望着柿子,才农历七月底,已有了鸡蛋大。  家中有一棵柿子树,每年都要结上百斤,可是,差不多全被沤烂,无人摘,更无人吃。青月望着柿子,心中一酸,泪如雨下。  三火特別喜欢吃柿子。而且吃法也怪:他不让柿子在树枝上成熟,在七八分熟时,就摘下来。放在一个泥罐子里,用盐水泡。这样,脆、香、甜。树上成熟的,没有这种脆。可是,三火再也吃不上柿子。  结婚欠了几万外债,三火新婚不足一个月,就到甘肃打工。那年青
身披翠绿日光城,头戴银盔雪岭横; 三十流年今胜昔,羊湖缚虎大阳升。 注:为庆祝羊卓雍湖水电站发电,向西藏成立三十周年庆典献礼作。 Wearing a green daylight city, weari
包公祠问道  【流长丙申年正月初二夜作于庐州包公祠】  冬夜过庐州,问道包龙图。  方知为吏难,何以流千古。  清心为治本,直道是身谋。  此话当谨记,自省日日读。  古宅对律  【流长丙申年正月初三作于屏山村】  琴瑟琵琶门头挡  魑魅魍魉各肚肠  心若清泉胸怀谷  两袖清风自在扬  夜访御前侍卫老宅  【流长丙申年正月初三夜作于屏山村】  石板桥廊月照溪  黛瓦绿苔清茶沏  三人围炉忆华年  