
来源 :浙江画报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:suanqing
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上世纪80年代初,当我还是一名地质勘探工作者时,常年风餐露宿,跋涉于山山水水之间,虽然工作和生活条件艰苦,但经常能朝迎旭日,暮送晚霞。也许就是从那时起,我开始有了用相机记录生活、定格瞬间的习惯。后来、从事外事工作以及1998年被吸收加入中国摄影家协会的经历,让我与摄影更加投缘。摄影是一种态度,摄影是一种发现,摄影是一种对话,摄影是一种修为。我觉得,摄影必须尊重事实,尊重百姓,尊重自然,尊重文化,从看似平凡的事物中捕捉亮点、发掘内涵、体会感受、展现思想,以自然的态度和文化的视角去洞察社会、透视生活。时光消逝,记忆犹存。大千世界,和而不同。社会已进入信息时代,也可以说是视觉时代。愿和同人们一起用眼睛去发现生活,用镜头去定格岁月,用瞬间去启迪思想,用心灵去感悟人生,在光与影的交错中,去记录不断前行的时代…… In the early 1980s, when I was still a geologist, I was able to spend all my life in the mountains and rivers, and despite the hard work and living conditions, I often could look forward to the sun and send evening light. Perhaps since then, I began to have the habit of recording my life with my camera and freezing my mind. Later, working in foreign affairs and being absorbed into the China Photographers’ Association in 1998 made me more photographed. Photography is an attitude, photography is a discovery, photography is a dialogue, photography is a cultivation. I think the photography must respect the facts, respect the people, respect the nature, respect the culture, capture the bright spots from the seemingly ordinary things, discover the connotation, experience the feelings, display the thoughts, view the society with natural attitude and culture . Time faded, memories still exist. The world is different and different. Society has entered the information age, it can be said that the visual era. We would like to discover the life together with our eyes, to fixate the years with the lens, to enlighten our thoughts in an instant, to reflect our life with the soul, to record the time when we go forward in the interlacement of light and shadow.
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