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<正> 高中阶段是学习的大好时机,有人做过统计,高中学生每学期读教科书约130万字,读课外书籍约400~1000万字,是教科书的3~8倍。这大致反映了一个高中生在正常条件下的阅读能力是非常巨大的。如果抓住这个时期对学生进行阅读的指导,不仅可扩展他们的知识,同时对他们良好品德的形成,智力的开发都有无法估量的潜在影响。
For many continuous bio-medical signals with both strong nonlinearity and non-stationarity, two criterions were proposed for their complexity estimation: (1) On
<正> 笔者认为“服务育人”是学校图书馆一切工作的目的和归宿。中小学图书馆可以从以下几方面实现服务育人的目标。 1、强化服务育人的意识 图书馆工作人员中确有一些人有这
The theoretical analysis and numerical calculation of scattering of elastic waves and dynamic stress concentrations in the thin plate with the cutout was studie
<正> 河南省唐河县王集乡教办室创建图书流动站,巡回学校为师生服务,受到好评。 该乡教办室为解决全乡师生“读书看报难、想看看不全”的难题,根据资源共享,优势互补原则,决
During the analysis of stability heat conduction in the composite tubes,firstly, when the temperature boundary conditions are the random conditions, equations o
By using Hamilton-type variation principle in non-conservation system, the nonlinear equation of wave motion of a elastic thin rod was derived according to Lagr
An h-adaptivity analysis scheme based on multiple scale reproducing kernel particle method was proposed, and two node refinement strategies were constructed usi
<正> 印刷型图书,统指用印刷机或其它印刷手段印制出来的各类书籍,英文名称是Print Book,以下简称P图书;电子图书是指应用电子技术以数字化的方式将知识信息记录在磁存储或光
From viewpoint of nonlinear dynamics, the model reduction and its influence on the long-term behaviours of a class of nonlinear dissipative autonomous dynamical